Friday, August 22, 2008

Erti Kemerdekaan - Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad

Dan jatuhnya hanya beberapa hari
lalu terbelenggu empat ratus tahun
suatu tempoh yang amat payah dan panjang
pengabdian dan kehilangan yakin diri
43 tahun kita berdiri menebus maruah
merdeka mentafsir diri sendiri dan bangga pada
apa yang ada
masih mahukah harga itu diperjudikan?

Kita tidak akan mempertaruhkan nasib itu
di tangan kita masih panas
keringat, tulang-belulang dan tenaga fikir
menghayun langkah membina wawasan
waspada harimau di matahari terbenam
tidak akan hilang belangnya
mengisytiharkan dirinya Yam Tuan Tunggal
dengan hukum rimba ganas
yang lemah longlai
yang gagah gergasi
akan meruntuhkan segala sempadan rimba
atas nama membina perkampungan dunia
mahukah kita biarkan
mereka menginjak-injak dan menghancurkan
kecil permai ini?

Rimba tanpa sempadan
atas nama 'kebaikan' menyelinap menusuk
hidupan dunia ketiga terpaku takjub dengan
'kasih alam
ketelusan hukum
keadilan timbangan
kesatuan warga dunia
kebebasan mutlak'
lalu beraraklah anak-anak bumi ini meraikan
kesatuan alam
dengan sorak sorai
'runtuhkan sempadan
runtuhkan sempadan
runtuhkan korupsi
runtuhkan kolusi'
dan di belakang mereka tidak melihat
bayang-bayang belenggu halimunan
yang lebih ganas daripada segala yang ganas
kita pun akan kehilangan harga dan erti diri
mengapa diundang mereka
dan mereka tiba-tiba berada di depan pintu rumah

Kita telah bangun dengan segala kepayahan
membuka belantara dan mempertahankan warisan
kita tafsir merdeka mengikut acuan sendiri
merdeka kita dengan fikiran
dunia sudah melihat kita
dunia sudah menghormati kita
timur dan selatan mengharapkan kita
mereka datang berbondong-bondong mencari di
bumi ini
perlindungan dan erti hidup
mengapa kita sendiri masih belum mahu melihat
dengan tangan masih terbelenggu ke belakang
dan hanya sesekali menjulangnya
mengikut rentak genderang dunia matahari
bijak pandai pernah berpesan:
'mereka yang tidak belajar dari sejarah mereka
akan didera
dengan mengulangi kesalahan-kesalahan mereka
sejarah mengajar kita betapa kukuh sesuatu
akan tetap kecundang bila ditikam dari belakang
mengapa kita mula halalkan sejarah hitam

Nasib kita genggam
dengan tangan sendiri dan segala kudrat kurniaan
kita jalin kekuatan sulaman kasih bangsa
kita didihkan dia dengan tradisi semangat juang
maruah bangsa kita julang ke mercu alam
kita bangunkan suatu tamadun cinta damai
di sini kita ajar anak-anak kita erti sayang
di sini kita tawarkan dunia menaja kemanusiaan
dan bukan alat peperangan
dunia belajar erti merdeka sejati
mempelajari dan menerima segala perbezaan
merdeka mentafsir hidup tanpa paksaan kuasa

Di sini kita yakin segalanya boleh
di sini kita yakin segalanya boleh
itulah erti kemerdekaan

Perjuangan ini mesti diteruskan.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Kisah Benar Di Sebalik Kontroversi Tanah

Who won the debate on the land controversy in Penang between Koh Tsu Koon & Lim Guan Eng?

The one telling the truth!!!

Look at the body language, it is difficult to hide when you lie.

View using Internet Explorer

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

CAT Government in Perak

In less than six months, the Pakatan Rakyat government in Perak have shown its capability to Malaysians. They had applied the CAT principles.

Corruption , Abuse of power and Thieving

Read the article in Malaysiakini below:-

BPR tahan 2 exco k'jaan Perak
Aug 20, 08 12:19pm

Badan Pencegah Rasuah (BPR) menahan enam orang, termasuk dua exco kerajaan Perak, kerana disyaki terlibat dalam perbuatan rasuah berkaitan satu projek perumahan di Seri Iskandar, Perak.

Lima daripada mereka ditahan jam 6 petang semalam. Mereka berusia antara 45 hingga 57 tahun.

Menurut kenyataan BPR, seorang daripada ahli exco itu ditahan jam 10.30 pagi ini.

Tiga suspek termasuk anggota exco itu ditahan sejurus mereka menerima suapan berjumlah lebih RM105,000 sebagai balasan untuk mempercepatkan proses permohonan projek perumahan bernilai RM180 juta.

Kenyataan itu juga berkata mereka juga disyaki terlibat dengan rasuah seks.

Selain dua exco kerajaan negeri itu, yang lainnya ialah seorang ahli Majlis Daerah Perak Tengah, seorang juruteknik Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Perak (PKNP) dan dua orang peniaga.

Sementara itu, mereka dibawa ke Mahkamah Sesyen Ipoh pagi ini untuk ditahan reman.

Seorang daripada mereka dipercayai bekas ahli dewan undangan negeri (Adun) PKR.

Lima daripada mereka ditahan reman selama tiga hari. Kesemua menutup muka ketika dibawa ke mahkamah.......

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Dangerous and Destructive KeADILan

16th August 2008 is a day I would not forget. I was tasked to bring 56 party flags and Barisan Nasional flags to the meeting point at SK Mengkuang, from there we will then proceed to the Permatang Pauh by-election nomination center at Tuanku Bainun Teachers' Training College.

About 120 meters from the Berapit exit on the Butterworth-Kulim Expressway (BKE) our bus cannot proceed anymore. The road ahead was near impassable.

As the leader of the group, I arranged the other 11 members to take all the flags and materials, 1/3 of the food and some cup types drinking waters. The rest was left behind.

The moment we start our walk toward SK Mengkuang, the hostilities started. A group of Chinese's KeADILan members in a luxury car started heckling us to go home.

The area was full of KeADILan members - We walk single file - across a hostile area - Anwars' heartland.

On exiting the expressway and turning right into the trunk road - the road was a sea of KeADILan members - at least 15000 of them. KeADILan had taken over the whole road. The map given to us indicating BN supporter route was useless.

From then on, the atmosphere was very tense - everyone of my group was intimidated continuously during the three km walk except two members that enjoyed photography (they were in casual).

None was spared even the 5 ladies in our team. One lady member which walk with a slight limb was badly harassed.

During the walk, KeADILan members furl their flags across our members face, insisted that we remove our party caps, asked us to wear Anwar mask, shouted harsh words, derogatory words and obscenities. Some even tailed us.

We stay cool, smile, and laugh our way out.

Some other BN members chose to made themselves incognito.

We continue at a steady pace except for a short pause where I requested one of our photographers to take some snapshots of a car surrounded by Keadilan members. Every car that managed to enter was inspected - Pakatan Rakyat cars easily pass through while BN car had an EXTREMELY horrible time.

We were the first to arrive at the nomination center gate as I decided to bypass the meeting point, instead we turned into a another mammoth KeADILan crowd. DAP was practically non-existent except handful. We cut across the crowd to reach BN allocated entrance.

The walk back was relatively easier - God be praised - two rounds of downpour managed to disperse the mammoth crowds which initially do not seem to want to disperse after the announcement of the election candidates. The first, disperse the bulk of the crowds, the second disperse the stubborn ones. Yet some gathers at the truck road below the BKE expressway to hurl abuse and to intimidate BN vehicles that passed through that road.

I decided to avoid that pass and exited through another exit point which have less concentration of KeADILan members.

Our bus driver also had a bad experience as some KeADILan youth supporters wanted to prise open his bus to use it as a shade from the rain, through my handphone I ask him to leave the area and returned when I called him.

While waiting for our bus to pick us up, I chatted with some Sabak Bernam UMNO youth which seem shocked and tired. When our bus arrived, I passed the balance assorted buns, all our mineral water and some Gerakan cap to themselves.

As I was writing this post, I heard a TV news report that a Berita Harian photographer was beaten up.

Now, every single one of us are totally convinced that KeADILan is a dangerous and destructive party. This party as the backbone of Pakatan Rakyat would make this coalition a "Pakatan Jahat" - they will destroy our country.

Unfortunately, many do not see the evil traits in them, they called this democracy.

Dr Mahathir knew that he must migrate if ever Anwar manage to seize control of our beloved nation - stability, peace and harmony will then be a memory.

P.S. Deputy Prime Minister, Najib and Home Minister, Syed Hamid painted a rosy picture of the nomination day. I guessed they had no choice in order not to scare future investors away.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Pilihanraya Permatang Pauh (Permatang Pauh By-election)

Kepada Pengundi-pengundi Permatang Pauh:

Pada pilihanraya ke-12 yang baru lalu, Barisan Nasional telah dikejutkan dengan kekalahan teruk di 11 kerusi parlimen di negeri Pulau Pinang. Barisan Nasional sekadar memenangi 2 kerusi Parlimen iaitu di Kepala Batas dan Tasek Glugor.

Tamparan hebat ini adalah suatu ISYARAT JELAS daripada rakyat untuk memperbetulkan kelemahan dan kecacatan kerajaan Barisan Nasional di masa dahulu.

Usaha-usaha pembetulan giat dilaksanakan oleh Kerajaan Barisan Nasional di peringkat persekutuan.

Malangnya, Pakatan Rakyat yang diterajui oleh Parti KeADILan mempunyai niat buruk untuk merampas tampuk pemerintahan negara.

Justeru itu, parti-parti dalam Pakatan Rakyat terutamanya KeAdilan dan DAP berusaha untuk menggendalakan usaha-usaha pembetulan itu. Sebaliknya, Pakatan Rakyat tidak memberi tumpuan penuh kepada pemerintahan negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat.

Rakyat di Pulau Pinang, Kedah, Selangor, Kedah dan Kelantan sudah mula menerima kepedihan dalam kehidupan harian mereka. Walhal pemimpin-pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat asyik mengatur pelbagai strategi untuk menjatuhkan Kerajaan Persekutuan Barisan Nasional yang terpilih oleh rakyat di bulan Mar lalu.

Kali ini janganlah beri undi kepada parti KeADILAN, sebaliknya


Untuk memudahkan para pengundi menolak KeADILAN untuk pilihanraya Permatang Pauh, di bawah adalah beberapa sebab:-

  1. Kes seksual di luar tabii Anwar berkemungkinan besar akan mengambil masa panjang perbicaraan mahkamah. Anwar tidak mampu memberi tumpuan kepada kepentingan rakyat, sebaliknya Anwar perlu menghabiskan masanya dalam pembicaraan. Anwar sepatutnya tunggu sehingga kes seksual di luar tabii ini selesai sebelum meminta sebarang mandat daripada rakyat. Rakyat berhak untuk memilih seorang pemimpin yang jelas tidak dinodai, ini perlu diputuskan oleh Mahkamah.
  2. Tindak-tanduk Pakatan Rakyat terutama Parti Keadilan menunjuk sikap gelogoh untuk merampas pemerintahan persekutuan melalui muslihat-muslihat busuk adalah sebenarnya untuk kepentingan peribadi bukan kerana mereka sayangkan rakyat.
  3. Tindakan mencekik tukang foto suratkhabar, merosakkan kenderaan, melempar batu , melongdehkan seluar, protes jalanan haram dan yang tak terkawal semasa , sebelum dan sesudah pilihanraya adalah tanda-tanda permulaan fasa kemusnahan dan keganasan dalam negara jika Anwar diberi “lesen kemusnahan” melalui pilihanraya kecil ini.
  4. Taktik dan strategi kotor Pakatan Rakyat tidak mengendahkan kepentingan rakyat - yang penting untuk Pakatan Rakyat - kuasa dan lebih banyak kuasa. Biarlah rakyat menderita di masa ekonomi buruk di dunia.
  5. Memberi isyarat yang jelas yang rakyat sudah bosan ditipu kononnya harga minyak petrol boleh diturunkan dengan sewenang-wenangnya. Sebenarnya, harga minyak petrol terpaksa dinaikkan di hampir setaip negara.
  6. Memberi isyarat yang jelas kepada Pakatan Rakyat yang tindakan asyik mengumpan ahli-ahli parlimen Barisan Nasional adalah sesuatu yang tidak beretika dan mengakibat suasana politik negara yang tidak tenteram.
  7. Memberi isyarat yang jelas yang rakyat tahu sebahagian besar dari janji-janji manis yang dilaung-laungkan oleh Pakatan Rakyat hanya sekadar propaganda pembohongan. Kebanyakan janji-janji Pakatan Rakyat akan menjadikan negara kita papa kedana di masa depan dan membawa ke kancah kemusnahan. Tun Mahathir, lebih rela berhijrah ke negara asing dari melihat kemusnahan negara kita.
  8. Anwar Ibrahim cuba menampilkan gaya kepimpinan yang berani, tetapi hakikatnya adalah sebaliknya. Tindakan menyuruh isterinya untuk melepaskan kerusi parlimen Permatang Pauh menunjukkan tindakan seorang penakut. Anwar hanya berani bertanding di kerusi yang paling selamat untuk KeADILan!!! Adakah masuk akal untuk meminta Presiden Parti KeADILan untuk mengundurkan diri!!! Ada banyak kawasan parlimen KeADILan lain yang Anwar boleh bertanding, tetapi sebenarnya dia takut kalah. Adakah kita mahu seorang pemimpin negara yang penakut?
  9. Tindakan Anwar Ibrahim yang suka menggunakan negara-negara asing seperti Amerika Syarikat untuk menindas negara kita menunjukkan ia tidak layak menjadi seorang pemimpin Malaysia. Jika ia berjaya, Malaysia akan dijadikan boneka Amerika dan sekutu-sekutunya.

Saya akui kerajaan Barisan Nasional ada kelemahan dan cacat-celanya, tetapi ini semua sedang diperbaiki dan akan mengambil masa beberapa tahun.

Undi kepada Barisan Nasional perlu untuk memperkukuhkan mandat yang telah diterimanya dalam pilihanraya bulan March 2008 dan terus menggalakkan BN mempertingkatkan usaha-usaha memperbaiki pemerintahan negara.

Tidak mengundi KeADILan adalah cara yang paling tepat untuk meluahkan perasaan meluat terhadap sikap bongkak dan keterlaluan semenjak pilihanraya March 2008.

Undilah dengan bijak!!! Undilah Barisan Nasional!!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Anwar: Give me a break?

In today's Star newspaper, Anwar was quoted as saying that he needs a break. He needs a break???

I think he is the main agitator of of the hellish situation our country in enduring now. Our country actually needs a break from all this nonsense and spend more effort on the constructive.

Anyway, I dedicate my favourite classic Dangdut song to Anwar to relax. I guess he can enjoy listening to it in the privacy of his various homes, offices or condominiums. Maybe, he can also dance to it, Anwar seem to be a natural dancer.

Pernah aku melihat musik di Taman Ria
Iramanya Melayu duhai sedap sekali (2X)

Sulingnya suling bambu
Gendangnya kulit lembu
Dangdut suara gendang rasa ingin berdendang (2X)

Terajana… Terajana
Ini lagunya… lagu India (2X)

Hai merdunya… hai merdunya
Merdu suara… oh penyanyinya
Serasi dengan… lincah gayanya

Karena asyiknya aku
hingga tak kusadari
Pinggul bergoyang-goyang rasa ingin berdendang (2X)

LGE, The Coward

Excuses, excuses, excuses!!!

Whether Lim Guan Eng directly or indirectly challenged Sdra Koh Tsu Koon to a debate that's academic.

But, the excuses LGE had been giving show that he is a COWARD.

Originally, Sdra Koh had requested some conditions (which are all very fair - see his press statement below) to accept the debate challenge. Unfortunately, LGE choose not to consider his request.

Now, Sdra Koh is willing to forgo the conditions, yet LGE is giving excuses after excuses.


Some of excuses and cowardly acts are:-
  • LGE said that he have only 5 months experience as a CM, while Dr Koh have 18 years. LGE conveniently forget to mentioned his years as an opposition leader, which would make him even more skilled in debating.
  • LGE accused Agenda Daily of representing Gerakan, the portal that handled Anwar-Shabery Cheek debate. What a lousy excuse.
  • LGE said he is puzzled about the announcement of the open debate by news portal Agenda Daily. Agenda Daily took the initiative from LGE's challenge to Sdra Koh to set up the debate, he should be thankful instead of been cowardly.
  • While Sdra Koh prefer a debate on current issues with specific focus on matters related to Penang, LGE is adamant just to discuss the "land issue controversy".
  • Clearly, when Shabery Cheek and Anwar took up their debate, there were NO EXCUSES.

Puan Sri Chui, Sdra Koh Tsu Koon's wife had challenged Lim Guan Eng to a debate a few months ago. He did not take up the challenge.


Press Release by Former Chief Minister of Penang,
Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon
(Monday, 4 August 2008)

(1) If Lim Guan Eng formally throws such a challenge, I am prepared to accept an open debate with him on the so-called "land scam" issue involving RM40.0 million as alleged repeatedly by him.

(2) However, two (2) conditions need to be fulfilled and agreed upon. The first is to ensure a truly fair debate. The other one is meant to protect the interest of the state in a pending court hearing on the case.

(3) First, all files and documents pertaining to this case in the Chief Minister's office and the state government's various departments must be declassified and made available to me for my reference to prepare for the debate. This condition is to ensure a fair debate on a level playing field.

(4) Although I can recall roughly the basic aspects of this case, I cannot remember specific facts and dates related to the case. On the other hand, Guan Eng as the present Chief Minister possesses and has full access to such files in the government offices. Such information is needed by both sides to prepare for arguments in the debate. It will not be fair at all if he has access to information and I do not.

(5) Second, the debate can only take place after the conclusion of the upcoming court hearing. In this regard, Lim Guan Eng must inform me and the public what is the date that has been fixed for the court hearing on the previous state government's appeal to reduce the amount claimed by the plaintiff in this case.

(6) This condition is not an excuse to avoid or delay the debate. It is important because some of the points raised in the debate may jeopardise the state government's position in the court hearing. It may even be sub judice.

(7) As a corollary to this condition, Lim Guan Eng has to immediately retract and stop mentioning again his often repeated open allegations, since March 2008 regarding the potential loss of RM40.0 million by the state government in this case.

(8) By repeatedly quoting the figure of RM40.0 million, he has definitely given the impression that the present state government seems prepared to pay for this big quantum as claimed by the plaintiff. This will jeopardise the state government's position in the court hearing to reduce substantially the claimed quantum, based on the arguments put in by the previous state government.

(9) Therefore, this second condition is meant to protect the state government in the upcoming court hearing. Irrespective of who eventually wins the debate, what is even more important is that we should all try by all means to reduce the amount claimed from the state government.

Background Information

The previous occasion Koh Tsu Koon and Lim Guan Eng had an open debate was more than 20 years ago when both we were the Youth Chiefs of their respective parties, before Koh became the Chief Minister of Penang in 1990. The venue was the Penang Chinese Town Hall.





1. 如果林冠英正式抛出这样一个挑战,我准备接受,针对他一再公开指称"涉及马币4千万"所谓的"土地舞弊案"与他进行公开辩论。

2. 然而,公开辩论需要在先符合和同意两项条件后进行。第一项是要确保一个公平的辩论。另一项是必需在有关候审的法院案件上保护州政府的利益。

3. 第一,必须同意撤销官方文件秘密级别及让我参考目前存放在槟州首长办公室及州政府各部门中有关这起案件的所有档案和文件以便我能为辩论做好准备。这个条件是要确保辩论得以在一个公平的平台上进行。

4. 虽然我记得这案件的大致基本情况,我却已不记得具体资料,数据和事件发展过程的日期,因为我手上没有有关文件。另一方面,基于林冠英是目前的首席部长,他拥有有关文件,也能从政府部门取得很多相关的资料。双方需要这些资料以便为辩论中的论点作准备。如果他有资料而我却无法知悉,这将是极不公平的。

5. 第二,辩论只能在法院排期聆讯后才进行。林冠英必须告诉我和广大人民,法庭是否已定下哪个日期以聆讯前朝州政府寻求降低赔偿额的上诉。

6. 这条件不是一个为了避免或延迟辩论的借口。这是很重要的,因为在这次辩论中所公开提及的一些论点可能危及州政府在法院聆讯的立场。它甚至有可能会被视为藐视法庭。

7. 作为这条件的另一个付点是,林冠英也应即刻收回和停止他自20083月以来一再重复的公开指控,说所谓的"土地舞弊案"将可能导致州政府损失马币4千万。

8. 通过公开不断声称涉及的巨额数字是马币4千万,他肯定给人的印象是,目前的州政府愿意支付原告所索取的上述巨额。这将危害到州政府致力通过法院诉讼以大幅降低有关索偿巨额的论点

9. 因此,这第二个条件就是要在即将举行的法庭聆讯保护州政府的立场和利益。不论是谁在辩论中取胜,重要的是,我们大家应尽量采取一切办法,以减少最终州政府所需付的索赔额。



Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hardcore Poor in Penang

This is a post I scheduled for 2009. On hindsight, I felt it is better to post it now. LGE is an expert on twisting words.

Lim Guan Eng committed to totally abolishing hardcore poor (kemiskinan tegar) by 2008.

If you view the video, Lim Guan Eng confirm it repeatable - IT'S ABSOLUTELY CLEAR.

On the surface, there is nothing wrong with this objective - seem very caring.

Actually, it is another LIE, LIE, LIE. It is also another cheap publicity.

Penang hardcore is the lowest in the country at 0.3%. In development economics this is an excellent achievement. Of course, the possibility of reducing this hardcore poor percentage can be done but it will never be ZERO.


Because everyday or every few days there will always be new hardcore poor - life is not a constant, it is full of variables - eradicating totally hardcore poor is impossible unless we become a full welfare state.

A better approach is to set a quantitative target that will enable the state government to monitor, help, manage and control the hardcore poor to an X numbers of families.

P.S. When an economist said full employment it means an unemployment rate of 3% would constitute full employment. Some economists use between 2% & 7%, depending on the country, time period, and the economists' political biases. It is never ZERO. This 2% - 7% is sometimes called structural unemployment.


Bernama - Friday, August 1

KUANTAN, July 31 (Bernama) -- An estimated 20,000 poor urban residents would be registered until the end of this year to receive aid in an effort to bring them out of the poverty line, said Deputy Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Hamzah Zainuddin.

He said currently a total of 14,833 from this group received aid worth RM33 million through the Eradicating Urban Poverty programme which was launched two years ago.

"This year we hope to help 90 per cent of the hardcore poor and we are confident that within the next two years poor residents in the town will get out of the poverty line," he told reporters after launching the Health and Safety Campaign as well as the Working Together to Fight Crime Expo, here today.

Hamzah said the government had allocated RM50 million to help the hardcore poor in the Ninth Malaysia Plan (9MP) which involved financial aid and skills training for single mothers.

He added that families earning less than RM740 per month were classified as hardcore poor and were eligible to receive aid.


Gangster Culture or Budaya Samseng

The recent neck-gripping incident of a Guang Ming Chinese Newspaper lady photographer by keADILan goons is a source of great concern.



This dangerous political culture is propagated by KeADILan since the days of the Lunas by-election (October 2000). If this KeADILan culture is not nip at the bud, it will eventually become the PAKATAN RAKYAT culture - our country will have NO PEACE.

Sdra Huan, Penang Gerakan Youth Chairman called this “gangster culture” or “budaya samseng”. I think he is correct for NOW. My concern is that this gangster culture if it continues to be feed by election successes - it will turned into something much more dangerous.

It is a sad scenario that KeADILan that is supposed to symbolize or to expound “Justice”, is becoming the OPPOSITE. It reminds me of the German NAZI's swastika which nowadays connotes the thoughts of evil, genocide, and murders.

The people of Permatang Pauh can show their displeasure and distaste for such extremism through the ballot boxes. For this coming Permatang pauh by-election, not voting for KeADILan is to ensure that our culture of peaceful co-existance continue .

Friday, August 1, 2008

Urgent Good Requires Special Pass from MHA

The decision to restrict heavy vehicles (excluding buses) using the Penang Bridge during peak hours i.e. from 6.30 am to 8.30 am and from 5 pm to 7 pm everyday is to ensure a smooth traffic flow according to YB Lim Hock Seng. This measure will be implemented from Aug 15, 2008.

But, the requirement to obtain special passes from the Malaysian Highway Authority for transportation of urgent good by freight forwarders bordered on "stupidity"(kinder words - lack of thoughts). This was announced by YB Lim Hock Seng, Exco for Penang Public Works, Utilities, and Transportation yesterday.

It's adding further bureaucracy or paper works to the existing freight forwarding requirements. A much simpler and effective solution is to applied a surcharge to cross the bridge at those hours. However, this can only be applied for one direction - Butterworth to Penang.

Note: MHA is situated at the island side, Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, Penang. Office hours is 8am - 5 pm, Monday to Friday
P.S. I used the bridge quite often, I do not believe that heavy vehicles are the main or is one of the top reasons for traffic congestion on the Penang bridge. It is usually passenger vehicle accidents. Ways and means to minimize accidents on the bridge is much more important.

Heavy vehicles that really slow down traffic are the bulldozer, forklift type of vehicles, not cargo transportation vehicles.