Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Traffic & Hawker Summon

Since day 1 of his chief ministership, LGE have been making decisions to generate popular support for his new coalition government. Unfortunately many of his decisions are flaws.

He started by canceling traffic & hawker summon notices under the previous government. On one hand he is saying that he need to be austere due to the budget deficit but by canceling the summons the LGE is throwing away million of ringgit. What a mockery is is making of himself.

By doing that, LGE is also encouraging Penangnites not to paid their local government summons. Keep your summons and wait for the next general election, most probably the new government then will also cancel it to thank the voters.

The law does not allow the CM to arbitrarily cancel those summons, there are due process that need to be followed in order to that. he must understand that government should be of laws rather than of men. He has actually broken the law.

But, I suspect the main reason he cancel the summons is because the DAP led government have only skeleton/basis service capability, not because he care for the people. It is common practice in Penang to see the local councilors for reduction in summons amount. LGE knows many people will be angry soon if DAP can't get it done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

His action clearly indicates an inexperience leader who only see things on the surface. Is he going to cancel all future summons as well? If it is a YES, then budget deficit will get deeper. If NO, he is just another politician who throw sweets after winning elections.As a Penangite, I just hope this Pearl Island is not turning into a Poor Island, no $$$ & no law that allows people to simply park their vehicles.