Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Gangster Culture or Budaya Samseng

The recent neck-gripping incident of a Guang Ming Chinese Newspaper lady photographer by keADILan goons is a source of great concern.



This dangerous political culture is propagated by KeADILan since the days of the Lunas by-election (October 2000). If this KeADILan culture is not nip at the bud, it will eventually become the PAKATAN RAKYAT culture - our country will have NO PEACE.

Sdra Huan, Penang Gerakan Youth Chairman called this “gangster culture” or “budaya samseng”. I think he is correct for NOW. My concern is that this gangster culture if it continues to be feed by election successes - it will turned into something much more dangerous.

It is a sad scenario that KeADILan that is supposed to symbolize or to expound “Justice”, is becoming the OPPOSITE. It reminds me of the German NAZI's swastika which nowadays connotes the thoughts of evil, genocide, and murders.

The people of Permatang Pauh can show their displeasure and distaste for such extremism through the ballot boxes. For this coming Permatang pauh by-election, not voting for KeADILan is to ensure that our culture of peaceful co-existance continue .


Unknown said...

There you go jumping to conclusions again. How do you know the perpetrator is not a BN spy?

Even your comrade knows not to jump to conclusions too hastily.

romerz said...

You must really hate democracy if you can ask the voters of Permatang Pauh to reject PKR because of this!

There are bigger issues at stake but I guess this is not important to you since you are only interested in your old job back of cleaning longkangs!

Anonymous said...

Reply to fishhook and romerz,

I have responded with my comment under the same heading in my blog.

H'ng Khoon Leng said...


Azizah was even utterly scared of her own members and had apologize. They are definitely no BN spies.

You called strangling a person democracy? Something is wrong here?

Put on a BN flag on your car and go to Anwar stronghold in Permatang Pauh see whether your car will survive!!!

H'ng Khoon Leng said...

Oops, forget to tell you,some of our Gerakan member cars where damaged by stone throwing during the Mar 8 GE.

Go and try-lah in Anwar heartland.

romerz said...

Dear h'ng khoon leng,

You obviously don't understand what I meant. Please read my posting on 'Vote for Democracy' in my blog then come back and tell me if you understand or not what I meant by 'bigger issues'.

I'll try to give you a simple analogy which might make it easier for you to understand.

Imagine a person has cancer and is slowly dying but no cure is available. Suddenly a new medicine is available. Doctors believe it may cure but will cause tummy ache.

Should the person throw away the medicine because it causes tummy ache or should he try it because it gives hope?

You tell me.

H'ng Khoon Leng said...


I understand clearly your point.

My point is this violent is also a "Cancer".