Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ungkapan Ketuanan Melayu: Sesuai atau Tidak

Below is my opinion that was emailed to Utusan Malaysia on 29 November, 2008 regarding the issue of "Ketuanan Melayu".

Saya setuju dengan gesaan Presiden GPMS, Datuk Reezal Merican supaya semua pihak lebih rasional dalam isu penggunaan ungkapan "Ketuanan Melayu".

Ungkapan ini bertujuan untuk mengangkat mertabat dan darjat perjuangan orang Melayu tanpa memperhambakan kaum lain dalam proses pembangunan negara dan proses penggemilangan bangsa Melayu. Tujuan ini bukanlah sesuatu yang ganjil, setiap kaum atau bangsa turut mahu mengangkat mertabat dan darjat perjuangan mereka.

Yang menjadi punca perdebatan ialah perspektif yang berbeza di pihak yang lain terhadap konotasi dari ungkapan Ketuanan Melayu ini. Di pihak yang lain, mereka berpendapat ungkapan ini membawa konotasi hubungan tuan dengan hamba - kalau ada tuan kemungkinannya ada hamba.

Jika kita memahami tujuan ungkapan, adalah tidak sesuai bagi sebarang pihak untuk mengatakan ungkapan ini tidak relevan.

Tetapi, adakah ia sesuai dalam sebuah negara pelbagai kaum? Adalah sukar untuk menerangkan tujuan ungkapan ini kepada semua kaum yang lain supaya mereka tidak terasa akan diperhambakan. Perlukah kita menunggu peredaran masa supaya akhirnya ungkapan ini boleh diterima selepas bertahun-tahun memberi penerangan?

Misalnya, di laman web wikipedia yang terkenal di seluruh dunia “Ketuanan Melayu” telah diberi konotasi yang negatif dan takrifan yang kurang tepat.

Sepanjang pengetahuan saya, sebelum tahun 1980an ungkapan ini tidak wujud. Ungkapan ini adalah suatu ungkapan yang baru.

Adakah terdapat ungkapan lain yang tetap mempunyai tujuan yang sama tetapi tidak mempunyai konotasi negatif untuk kaum-kuam yang lain. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka boleh mengambil langkah proaktif untuk menangani isu hangat terhadap ungkapan ini dengan mencadangkan ungkapan lain.

Negara kita amnya sangat toleran, isu hangat ini perlu diselesai dengan semangat kenegaraan yang rasional


Ti Lian Ker said...

KeTuanan tidak harus diunkit-ungkitkan kerana ia cuma membawa salahfaham dan salah takrif. Perlembagaan dan semangat perlembagaan sert keDaulatan Undan-Undang harus dimartabatkan demi untuk kepentingan kenegaraan. Namun, kita emosi dan lepas berahi....

Anonymous said...

Yang terharunya apabila pemimpin sendiri yang masih keliru dan tidak jelas akan hal ini. Lalu mengelirukan rakyat jelata pula. Ini dah cukup bahaya. Pemimpin apa begini, tidak relevan langsung dengan situasi negara.

Unknown said...

Let's not kid ourselves. You may try to speculate on the purpose that this phrase was coined up, but I still believe that the originators (UMNO) meant it exactly like what it means literally, Melayu=Tuan and bangsa lain=second class citizen. If they had meant 'penggemilangan bangsa Melayu' they would have used 'Kegemilangan Melayu' instead.

And what do you mean DBP must be proactive and come up with a new phrase? You mean UMNO being a Melayu party doesn't even know how to use their own language correctly and they made a mistake in the choice of word? UMNO made the phrase up so unless UMNO want to mean something else, why sould DBP correct UMNO's choice of word based on your interpretation of the phrase.

I agree that issues like this must be settled, but your comrades in UMNO keep coming up with them ever so often and get away with it.

P/S: What's the status of the relationship between Penang Gerakan and UMNO? Who's the Tuan?

H'ng Khoon Leng said...

We end in this mess because a nobody coined or popularized that phrase and UMNO pick it up. One of DBP role is the formulation of new terms, this is precisely what DBP is suppose to do(terms) and to prevent(mess).

Do not assume that any Malay or even a Malay party would not made a mistake in their choice of words. I remember in my varsity days, about 10% of Malay undergraduates from my batch failed in Bahasa Malaysia scientific courses and subsequently had to leave the university. It was VC Professor Awang Had Salleh vision of producing thinking Malaysians. The university was Universiti Utara Malaysia(Uniutama).

For your knowledge, do not be short-sighted and equate Malay languages to Bahasa Malaysia, Malay languages span the whole Nusantara region.

DBP are full of experts , they are the best to do this job.


1.Penang Gerakan Youth have no contact with UMNO. Neither are Tuan or Hamba!
2. Kegemilangan Melayu is a beautiful phrase but it is kinda to long, no Oomph!

Anonymous said...


You can write all you want here, Mr Pembodek UMNO. The fact remains you are a pathetic coward who deletes constructive comments from Penangites, the same people who kicked you and your unforgiveable traitor party (Gerakan) out of Penang. If you are not prepared to hear from us, then no use being a member of a political party, be an UMNO bodyguard.

Me and other Penangites will forever despise your betrayal when we saw you writing passionately to Malay papers condemning Chinese road signs and defending Ketuanan Melayu. Embarassing, since I also remember you defending UMNO petrol stations, when Penangites were boycotting them. Why, why be such a lowly character? Just for UMNO favours?

You are an absolute embarassment to Penang and to all Malaysians, you are nothing but a wasted drop of degenerate sperm that should have been just flushed in the toilets and not allowed to mature to an animal called Khoon Leng.

I do not support DAP or Keadilan for that matter, but I am disgusted by you personally since you represent Gerakan, but write in Utusan and B.Harian condemning multiracialism and defending Ketuanan Melayu.

You can attack LGE all you like, end of the day LGE shows who is the boss, unlike your boss who bodeks UMNO and lets Rashid do all the controlling before March 8. Penangites rather see a puppet DCM than a puppet CM, we all know why KTK lost by an embarassing 10000 majority in a Chinese majority constituency. Its because Chinese people cannot take it any longer when he sat together with Racist Malays and allowed others to be manipulated, oppressed and bullied!

Even when everyone was opposing ISA, you were defending in Utusan. You supported the arrest of the poor Chinese newspaper reporter and supported Ahmad Ismail. We all know you are scared of him, but to support the reporter’s arrest is something Tanjong people will never forget!

You are just a disgrace beyond any redemption and I hope you will never dare to show your face as a candidate in any elections because I promise you, I will shame you and destroy your reputation by publishing all your betrayal letters to racist papers telling how we Chinese and Indians have to accept Ketuanan Melayu, ISA and 2nd class citizenship.

Remember, everyone is equal and you dont try to mess with Penangites.
I know you will try to delete this, because I know you are a faggot and a big chicken, but the more you delete the more I will paste at times allowing me at least 10 hours of viewing time for others when you are asleep. I want you to be a man, just enough to engage me a simple Penangite who just wants to be treated equally. Remember what I said, I will spend all my money and energy to stop traitors like you from becoming an elected representative who will prostitute himself for UMNO’s best interest.