About 3 weeks ago, I was informed regarding the abuse of the Penang State Crest on the "Justice" Party signboard(picture above). A call was made to the protocol department, an officer (En. Azizan) agreed with me that it was not correct to use the crest in such a way. He told me that he will inform his superior.
I told him that "Political Parties" and "Government" are two separate entities and if the Protocol Department felt that this is not a problem then all Penangites can start to use the State crest on the cars, motorbikes, bicycles, trishaws, etc.
Up till the 28th April no action was taken, he said that they need to take photographs as evident. I emailed him the evident with the following message in Malay (see below).
Excerpt of my email to the Protocol Department of Penang State Government on 28th April 2008 with the title -
En. Azizan (Jabatan Protokol):
Merujuk kepada perkara di atas, saya kepilkan gambar yang menunjukkan penyalahgunaan lambang kerajaan Pulau Pinang di papan tanda Parti KeAdilan.
Lokasi papan tanda ini adalah di sebuah rumah di tepi Jalan Bukit Gambir, bertentangan Hotel Vistana.
Sepanjang pengetahuan saya, sewaktu Parti Gerakan menerajui kerajaan Pulau Pinang, pusat-pusat parti Gerakan dilarang sama sekali menggunakan lambang kerajaan negeri di papan tanda kami. Kami juga dilarang menggunakan lambang kerajaan Pulau Pinang, MPPP dan MPSP dalam sebarang projek kami tanpa persetujuan dari pihak yang berkenaan.
Adalah diharap pihak Jabatan Protokol akan memberanikan diri dan mengambil tindakan yang berpatutan.
Sekian, terima kasih.
Selamat Sejahtera
H'ng Khoon Leng
Anak Jati Pulau Pinang
Below is Lim Guan Eng's signboard for comparison:

Itu orang Parti ADIL mana adil, Parti Angkuh & Action baru betul. Ini tentu kerja pembelot-pembelot UMNO ysng lari ke ADIL.
An abuse is an abuse anyway, irrespective of its magnitude or degree. If left unchecked, certainly it would soon ballooning into something out of control. We shall wait and see what would happen next.
If MPPP can approved this signboard something is wrong.
Who does this signboard belong to?
ADUN Bukit Tambun? ADUN Bukit Tengah? ADUN Penanti? ADUN Machang Bubuk? ADUN Kebun Bunga? ADUN Penanti? ADUN Sungai Bakap? ADUN Batu Maung? ADUN Pantai Jerejak? ADUN Batu Uban? MP Nibong Tebal? MP Bayan Baru? MP Permatang Pauh? MP Balik Pulau?
Eh where got Kooniama,
Last time Tanjong Gerakan Office had penang crest what.
I also remember Batu Lanchang Gerakan office also had crest.
Eh gerakan boleh, dap tak boleh - apa ini.
Anyway, we ADUNs can use crest wat, they use the crest for the car and their office, that also u dunno hng khoon leng cibai
I am from Tanjong Gerakan, please do not lie, we have never use the state crest.
I also called the ex-Gerakan YB for Batu Lancang, he told me that he had NEVER used the state crest.
He used the Gerakan and BN logo only, same as the other Gerakan offices.
So, you are an ADUN, I am surprised by the quality of the DAP YB. Instead of calling yourself Kooniama,you should called yourself Penipu.
I think I know this YB, hah,hah,hah.
May 23, 2008 3:01 PM
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