I thought that Deputy Chief Minister, Yang Berhormat Professor Dr. P. Ramasamy is a full time politician now.
Is he still teaching in some education institution? May be a visiting professor of some foreign university? Is he a United States tenured professor? Is he a Professor Emeritus? May be he like to be called Prof.?
If I am not mistaken, in Malaysia the only "professorship" that you have for life is "Professor DiRaja" which have to be confered by the King.
Deputy Chief Minister, Yang Berhormat Professor Dr. P. Ramasamy will probably be called Deputy Chief Minister, Yang Berhormat Professor Dato' Dr. P. Ramasamy from Saturday, 7 July 2008 (Penang Gabenor Official Birthday) onwards.
Are you very sure he is not linked to any of the very many new universities that have mushroomed in Malaysia, or with any university all around the world?
If you are right, then your criticism is valid.
I admit I don't know, so I prefer to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Fair comment
Brother Khoon Leng,
I think you miss a point here.
Professorship is conferred for life. Not all the teaching staff in the universities are named as "Professor", even the teaching staff of a doctorate student.
"Professor", is an academic ranking, which higher a Ph.D.
For more details, please read,
Actually, I had read the article you quoted earlier, in Malaysia most professorship is not.
I graduated from a local university, some of my professors that have stop teaching, do not use the "word" anymore
Brother voiceofpolitics,
You are right. Doesnt matter where, professor is professor you numpty khoon leng. So the same right to hold the title applies, after all it is earned from academic qualification and not money.
If you go to Pantai Medical Centre, the former dean of UM Medical faculty who has retired is still adressed as Prof Zainul on his door, his business card, his colleagues and patients. Same applies to Prof Lin Hai Ping (former head of UM Paediatrics) who practices in SJMC.
Anyway it is such a non-issue, bigger issues of racism and corruption and crime exists, yet you target this kinda petty things. Shame on this blogger
HKL have all the right to ask whether that YB can use the professor title. He did not said that the YB can't use the title. He asked a few questions in his post. However, that YB may have the right.
This is not petty. Professor title should not be abused by any Tom, Dick & Harry. It is tantamount to mis-representation.
Have a look... http://ktemoc.blogspot.com/2006/06/malaysian-professors-sans-phds.html
Brother Khoon Leng,
Thanks for your reply.
Well, I am new to local university, although i just begin my studies in USM.
As far as I am concerned, there is an official ceremony of being conferred as "Professor" in the local universities. The said "Professor" need to give a public lecture on his specialty.
Out of courtesy, well, you may call a lecturer in university as "Professor", but he may not a qualified one. So, I believe this explained to your concern.
Correct me, if I am wrong.
According to UKM protocol department, "professor" is a position not a title.
Once, the professor leave the university, he vacate his position, hence he has not more right to be called a professor.
The exception is only for Professor Emeritus which is for life.
You can called 03-89215053 to confirm.
Of course, students of the ex-professor, out of respect my still called the person as a professor.
Yet, YB Prof. Dr. P. Ramasamy may have the right to be called professor from other higher institution(s).
Yes, professor is an appointment instead of a title!
Yes, he can be addressed as "Professor", if his ex-students wish to. But, for sure it's NOT the official pre-nominal letters, which can be printed on the signboard like this one!!!
Can someone tells me his qualifications (with the relevant conferring universities) and where the professorship came from?
asian-fellow, you want to know you go find out yourself la. we don't owe you the answer. If you think he is wrong then you have to show proof, otherwise give him the benefit of the doubt and don't accuse him.
Prof Zainul and Prof Lin may still teach, hence they have the right to be called Prof.
hi fishhook, do I know you? You may free from disturbance or excitement, or rather in short SHUT-UP, if you don't know the answer! No one has ever forced you to answer! As we all have learned since young... PLS DON'T BE "K-PO"!!! or "GOOD GOOD". Don't you understand?
I believe you have posted a number of questions in various blogs hoping for some answers or replies(whether indirectly or directly)(those with ""?"") Don't you? or you left your comments and/or questions for FUN only? If yes, pls respect the rest, as we don't owe you any "answer", anyway!!!
fishhook, pls be professional, of course, sorry I cannot force you, if you're NOT... Your profile is invisible...
Hi fishhook, do you classify yourself as a judge or teacher in blogging?
If NOT, why or what made you alleged that... "If you think he is wrong then you have to show proof, otherwise give him the benefit of the doubt and don't accuse him"
- Asking for or wanting to see "proof"?
- Requesting us NOT to accuse him?
Hey asian-fellow,
Look carefully at your comment posted at 4.06pm.
"Yes, he can be addressed as "Professor", if his ex-students wish to. But, for sure it's NOT the official pre-nominal letters, which can be printed on the signboard like this one!!!
Can someone tells me his qualifications (with the relevant conferring universities) and where the professorship came from?"
First you say he cannot print on the signboard THEN only you ask if anybody can tell you his qualification. This tells me you don't even know his qualification in the first place, so how can you judge him and say he cannot print the signboard so authoritatively! Is that how you work, make rash conclusions first before getting your facts right?
Only people who cannot argue well and desperate will resort to asking people to shut up.
Why do you need to see my profile? Maybe you're the kind who likes to tell the world who you are to show off how successful you are or how loyal you are to Gerakan. Want to get Datuk is it? I don't need all that, so as long as I remain consistently fishhook that's all you need to know.
What's wrong with the post?
My comment on professorship is a general statement. That does not mean for him only. Yes, he can be addressed as Prof, if his ex-students wish to, but that shouldn't be printed on an official signboard, as he's not a practising lecturer in any institution.
I know he was a Prof in UKM? But was just curious to know more abt him... Was I wrong in terms of asking? I will find out more, if none knows further on him! Did you need to "send a rocket" when a stranger asks a simple question? You may just be kept silent, if you don't know. Don't you?
Of course, fishhook is fishhook, I need NOT to know further, but I was not really interested, anyway. But, I always encourage people to be "open" if one wishes to talk. Of course, I could be "invisible" too, if I want to... But, I told myself What to worry? Only those with hiden agenda dislike more to know abt them in blogging (This does not apply to ALL, but fishhook only).
Probably, you're the one who needs a Datukship one day, are so worried to disclose your identity in the blog?
Why? people may get angry with you, as you talk or criticize so much? hahaha... Pls don't worry la, pls talk as you like, be OPEN and forget abt all those titles la. For me, I'm NOT worried, I talk and criticize, if necessary. This is the one who does NOT need a "Datukship" la, my friend.
(Opsss... sorry you might treat me as your friend... hehehe).
Anyway, my blog is meant for my daily only. I want to have a storage of memories for myself, so I shall try to keep those I have in life... In fact, I wanted to insert those Scout badges which I obtained during younger days, but very sad I could not find them anymore. For which, do you think SALAH?
You may just ignore my blog, if you find nothing or it's a SHIT to you. My personal daily did not hurt you, right?
I have been working hard for my life, of course with a small little achievement. My friend, NOTHING IS FREE & EASY!!!.. I think it's nothing wrong, right?
fishhook, you need NOT to response to this comment. Thanks.
Gosh! another Teng Hock Nan from Gerakan!!! Act smart but talk nonsense!!
You said "that shouldn't be printed on an official signboard, as he's not a practising lecturer in any institution. "
HOW SURE ARE YOU OF THAT STATEMENT? That's the whole point of the arguement. Simply thing also cannot understand. Please read the very first comment I posted.
Never once did I mention your blog, so why you so "perasan"? Trying to get free publicity here is it?
This is an issue on H'ng's blog (NOT YOURS OK). He gave his opinion, I gave mine and you gave yours - end of story.
So I'm not going to reply to you anymore here because you're only good at jumping into conclusions and keep going out of topic (things you learn when young, invisible profile, your scout badges, YOUR BLOG!!).
Cheers from your friend.. fishhook
fishhook, pls don't jump to a conclusion or assumption, if you didn't really read your comments properly.
Ok, your 1st line of comment... "Are you very sure he is not linked to any of the very many new universities that have mushroomed in Malaysia, or with any university all around the world?"
Uncle fishhook, he's the Deputy CM II now, do you think he can still be linked to any institutions whether in Malaysia or oversea, serving as professor? It's salah! EXCO or Deputy CM must be full-time!!!
Your comment...
"Why do you need to see my profile? Maybe you're the kind who likes to tell the world who you are to show off how successful you are or how loyal you are to Gerakan. Want to get Datuk is it? I don't need all that, so as long as I remain consistently fishhook that's all you need to know"
What did you mean? Having jumped to a conclusion without having a proper check???
fishhook, you're good in avoiding questions, but raising another version of perceptual, instead. So, pls don't always tell us about your "style". It's NOT the place for FREE PUBLICITY! OK, fishhook? (Sorry, I should NOT put an "OK" here, because you would like to ignore all "???")
Yes, you're right! This is HKL's blog... he gives his, you give yours and I give mine... Then, who asked you to response to my question...? Just keep quiet, if you're not sure or don't know, Ok? Just let the blog's owner to response. If not, I would find my own way(s)...
I don't really know Teng Hock Nan in person. So, I have NO comment. But, you had jumped to a conclusion again... unless you got the supporting proof, otherwise your point is again INVALID!!! (you reminded me on this... citation... Tks).
Whether I'm good or else, is definitely none of your business... Pls don't simple judge, should NO ONE tells you to do so...? REMEMBER, you're just like me... a visitor of this blog. OK? So, pls jump to an assumption or conclusion... on behalf of the owner.
It seems you like to "jump" or bypass the owner??? fishhook, pls la... don't write for the sake of writing... others have NO TIME to read those absurd or unthinkable nonsense...
But, I can confirm you're a very active in those Gerakan blogs... but pls don't seize me in...
Happy Blogging... an UNKNOWN COWARD ... fishhook!
Perhaps, different education background lead to different conclusion.
Well, in USM, no all the lecturer will automatically to be called as "Professor".
As I said before, Professorship is one of the academic award. The said academician must be have an excellent study in the field, may only award as Professor.
Coincidentally, this Friday, there is two conferment of professorships in School of Chemical Science, USM. Details can be found at http://www.usm.my/chem/.
I hope my explanation can clear the air.
Fishhook - I see nothing wrong with having a scout badge (especially if is a King Scout badge) on Asian-Fellow's blog.
On the other hand, do you know what a scout means? A slogan for you just in case your "lost" Once a scout, always a scout...
Having a King Scout is an honorable thing, or an achievement which should be proud off. In fact, it is nothing to be ashamed off.
From what i can see, fishhook your always on the protective side of the DAP people. Are you 1 of them?
p/s: in case you do not know what a king scout or a scout is, please do some research on it, instead of barking here and there.
They're promoted to Professor level and that is a job-title in university or university-college.
Yes, it takes years to achieve the level. This is something like those in the companies, from officer - Executive - Asst Manager - Manager - Branch Manager - Senior Manager - Regional Manager - General Manager etc.
Not only USM, the rest practise the same. I can sense you're proud of USM.
Of course, it's not easy to enter USM! Good Luck!
P/S: I graduated from USM ie School of Social Sciences.
Hi Small Little Penang,
fishhook never talk about the well respected King Scout status, but it's sad to see his unwanted allegations and wrong directions of thoughts. Somehow, he likes to throw his comment everywhere. He thought he's an analyst in politics and Mr KNOW ALL of Malaysia.
Reply to iggy,
Well, the point I want to make here is, "Professorship" is one of the academic award, which included being a "Fellow" to an institute or college.
Whether you are tutor, lecturer, dean or etc, you can teach any of the university graduates.
But being conferred as "Professor", that shown your academic credibility.
After the face-to-face explanation by Bro Khoon Leng and Veon Szu, and confirmation with my lecturer in university, I think I have made a mistake on this.
So, I retract my above statement.
So what did you manage to confirm?
Reply to fishhook,
The thing I confirmed is Professorship, is an academic position. Once you leave the academic institution, you no longer carry it.
ISEAS in Singapore, University of Kassel in Germany and University of Edinburgh recently invited Prof Ramasamy to give a talk on electorate politics - they still invited him as Prof Ramasamy and published him as Prof Ramasamy in their newsletter, knowing very well he is not a fulltime lecturer anymore and only a politician. These international based unis/institutes prove that he is not wrong in using his title. Professorship is a title given by university for academic and research excellence, and once you attain these excellences I dont see why you need to remove the title from your name, is like cannot use the title Dr after quitting medicine. Prof Ramasamy used his title for election registration, MIC candidate opposed but was overruled, so even the law has accepted it. So you gerakan beggars, shuuuh. :)
fishhook, i just come across this blog. advice to you don't be "good good", if the thing you don't know, pls listen to others.
Tuan Tutup Kedai,
I know you are Prof. Ramasamy buddy-buddy.
Wah!!, you also know he used the word Prof. on his election candidacy paper.
Must be his right hand man.
First of all, if Gerakan tutup kedai you would not be reading this blog.
Secondly, commenting in this show that you are afraid of Gerakan expose the truth.
Thirdly, what I had mentioned in this post may be true. This is because , I originally think that "YB Prof. Dr." could had obtained the professorship from doing some teaching in S'pore & Germany. Nowhere in your comment did you mentioned that he obtained the Professorship from those countries. Those universities assumed that he is still a professor.
Fourthly, The SPR accepting the word "Prof" do not means that he is a professsor. The Election commission do not appoint professor.
Finally, The SPR regulations had been relaxed to reduce the high disqualification of candidates as in the past especially over technical issues like this. Now, SPR mainly disqualified on bankruptcy issues.
Could you enlighten us, which university(local or foreign) that provide him the right to use the position of "Professor"?
I like this place and I personally find this very entertaining - steam sendiri. Sounds familiar, right ?
This is the place to visit if you are having a hard or bad day at work. You just can come here and it is very self consoling. It just helps you to understand your peers or buddies at work better when you look into here and life is not bad after all.
My personal opinion - Judge him for what he can deliver for the State of Penang but not what he used in his name. If you are too focus on his name, you lose the bigger picture.
In addition, you losses a lot of opportunities to engage the readers by taking them by their horns. At the end, you just don't want only Gerakan members to visit the blogs only. Your intention is to reach out to the Rakyat but keeping the Gerakan member together.
The choice is yours to make.
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