Most people in their private life may have feelings and sentiments and prejudices of their own but immediately upon assuming positions of responsibility, their outlook in life automatically changes.
As soon as Dr. Mahathir became the deputy Prime Minister he knew he must put behind him all sentiments and personal feelings and must bend his mind to the will and wishes of the people if he values the peace, security, and prosperity of the country.
There should be no feelings of uneasiness as to his ability and capability to take over the all important post of Prime Minister of Malaysia.
It will be safe for all and nobody need to lose any sleep over his appointment as Prime Minister.
-Lest We Forget, Pg 184, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra
Does this also apply to Anwar Ibrahim, Najib Tun Abdul Razak, Khairy Jamaluddin or Hishamuddin Tun Hussein Onn?
You could also disagreed with what Tunku said.
Your comments and thoughts are welcomed.
err... any other options other than these four? LGE maybe....
In the distant future, maybe during your son times.
If it can happen during my son's time , I'd be a happy man. Better late than never. Malaysia has been independent for 50 years and still can't break the racial divide. I wonder how long more we have to wait.
The Pakatan Rakyat supreme leader is Anwar Ibrahim, DAP is part of this tripartite alliance. Why don't you support him?
If I have to choose strictly out of these four then I choose DSAI.
However, I am not in any political party hence I base my opinion on individuals not party. Just because LGE is from DAP doesn't mean I have the same level of respect and admiration for all DAP members or PR members for that matter. And even if I have the highest respect for LGE now, doesn't mean it won't change come the next GE if he fails to walk the talk.
If you had included Bung Mokhtar or Rafidah Aziz, I may have chosen them instead...... hahaha.. like real I would.
Why DSAI? Is it because he is the supreme leader of PR or for other reasons?
Why suggest only LGE, isn't there any PR leaders other than LGE that you admire, and would like to suggest.
How about Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh, Wan Azizah, Hadi Awang, Tok Guru, Jeff Ooi, Liew Chin Tong, Teng Chang Khim, and many more?
By the way, since you believe LGE is of PM material, can you share your thought on his capability for this position.
it is good that your post reminded us of tunku's wise words. how we judge a leader can only be determined by his conduct. hopefully in the case of politics and the nation's ultimate CEO, it won't be after this leader leads us to disaster, whoever he may be. let's hope that selfishness and greed is not on the agenda of the aspirants to the nation's captaincy. may allah have mercy on us. adieu!
Why DSAI? I trust him more than the other 3, mainly because they are in a system (BN) which I don't trust but have no choice but to live around.
Why LGE? He has been consistent in his ideologies, and has been courageous and unwaivering even when tested with jail and loss of career. He may not be perfect and still have a lot to learn but in my opinion he's the best we've got right now. Of course if he messes up big time that will quickly change.
Then again you may argue that his ideologies are too ideal to be practical and he is a dreamer, but at least he is showing that he is trying and even risking everything to prove his point. He is unlike the majority (if not all) of non-UMNO BN leaders whom I'm sure are well aware of the injustices and restricted development (compare Singapore) brought about by racial inequality and corruption under UMNO led BN, but choose not to rock the boat from within and just sail along as long as they are safe. Why only now after the major political shakeup did some BN leaders find their voice to speak up on issues of race (samy velu, ong tee keat, rafidah (dhuh)) and the ISA (KTK)? Did these issues not exist before the GE? Why was there not a mention of eradicating corruption in BN candidate's campaign speeches (based on some of the youtube videos of BN candidate's speeches)? Did they think BN led Malaysia is corruption free when it clearly is not based on the corruption index, or were they just too scared to open a can of worms? Weren't these the issues the reason BN lost badly? I want a brave leader who can champion for me steadfastly in good and bad times, not one who can only be heard when it's safer to do so.
(And for heaven's sake, don't any of you dare twist my words and accuse me of bodeking LGE! I have shown in length that this opinion is based on sound reasoning and not blind loyalty to LGE. For this reason, I'm making sure he doesn't know me by remaining anonymous to prevent even the remotest possibility of getting any gains (if any) from my comments)
I accept that all politicians are not faultless and that they cannot be absolutely truthful all the time because the name of the game in politics is about pleasing the most people most of the time and not everyone all the time. So it's ok by me if minor inadequacies are overlooked as long as the major issues are addressed.
What about you, HKL? Which out of the 4 you named would be your choice? Who would be your choice if it includes everyone for PM right now and why? I'd like to know your views since your post is just an excerpt from Tunku and not your own personal view.
fair comment, bro !
"Which out of the 4 you named would be your choice? Who would be your choice if it includes everyone for PM right now and why? I'd like to know your views since your post is just an excerpt from Tunku and not your own personal view."
I hope you reciprocate my efforts to explain my choice of PM since you asked me to explain. Unless of course, you also choose to remain silent to play it safe on this issue, and can only comment on the dark side of the new state gov.
I know you are expected a reply. I will answer you late tonite. The answer is kind of shocking even to myself, need to put more thought into it before answering. OK.
OK. I shall wait in anticipation.....
Based on the 4 candidates provided, Najib for a 1 1/2 term only.
My long-term choice is Khairy Jamaluddin. The most hated young man in Malaysia. He is just 32. His ambition is to be PM by 40. It is my personal opinion that if he can bend his mind to the will and wishes of the people he will be one of the most successful PM in our country.
Other that the 4 suggested, none in BN or PR can stir my imagination.
If I can go back in time, there were more choices such as Dato Onn Jaafar, Tun Dr. Ismail, Tun Musa Hitam, Tan Sri David Tan Chee Khoon, the Seenivasagam brothers, etc.
Hmmm.. interesting choice there. Really unexpected.
KJ should have a brilliant mind being a product of Oxford, and I really respect brilliant people in general because often they can really come up with ideas and angles that simple people cannot possible think of.
It's the "bending his mind to the will and wishes of the people" part that is questionable. His words and actions still give me the impression of an immature, emotional, defensive and rash youngster, not to mention the many corrupt practices as alleged by PR. The very fact that he is the son-in-law of the PM raises many questions whether he could get to where he is now if otherwise. So his achievements and capability may be overrated.
The other thing I have against him is his racist "ketuanan melayu" ideology, together with Hishamudin. This to me is the most important point for despising him. Being a non-malay I shudder just wondering what our future would be like under him.
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