Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Tips To Reduce Vehicle Petrol Consumption

  • Plan your journey to avoid unnecessary, wrong, duplicate or congested routes.
  • Poor maintenance can lead to higher fuel consumption such as poor condition of the spark plugs. I have an old car and now use 2 sets of spark plugs, exchanging them after every 2 weeks, also cleaned the air filter at that time. For those that can afford it , service your car according to the manufacturers recommended schedule.
  • Check tyre pressure every 2 weeks or earlier, follow the recommended tyre pressure, low tyre pressures increase vehicle dragging and increase fuel consumption. Correct tyre pressure save up to 10% fuel.
  • Drive as smoothly as possible, if you use a manual transmission vehicles change to higher gear level as soon as engine speed and conditions allow. Maximize the 5th gear for better mileage.
  • Drive at the optimum speed, fuel consumption increases significantly when driving at speeds over 100 km/hr. Driving at 45 km/hr will save 15% fuel against driving at 65 km/hr and 30% at 80 km/hr. The right speed is the optimum speed for that road not exceeding 110 km/hr.
  • Keep your foot of the clutch to save fuel
  • Reduce weight in the car by removing heavy items if you are not using them. My car boot was like a "warehouse", I removed some of the heavy items, the fuel consumption reduction was drastic
  • Use only quality, clean fuels, use of contaminated fuels can result in fuel injection equipment deterioration and increased fuel consumption.
  • Avoid travelling during peak hours, optimum fuel economy is achieved during steady constant speed driving. Stop-start driving significantly increases fuel consumption.
  • Use air conditioning judiciously. When the air-con is in used the vehicle will burn at least 20% more fuel.
  • Measure the fuel consumption of your vehicle and consider replacing your vehicle with a more modern, high technology, fuel efficient product or like me have to consider using the bicycle or motorbike(not superbike).
  • Switch off your vehicle engine, if you have to wait for more than a minute, where practicable.
  • Car pool if you can.
P.S. The rising crude oil cost is source of great concern to many of us. I hope this will help mitigate or help a tiny bit.

Source: Myself, Naamsa, PCRA


Anonymous said...

We the poor people of Malaysia have to pay more although we are large producers of oil. If they dont subsidise our oil, what benefit do we get as rich oil producers?

We know Khairy - the richest unemployed very rich, UMNO leaders very rich, some Gerakan leaders are very very rich. But we are poor simple businessman or govt servant. How are we going to afford this rise despite the tips given by Khoon Leng which will probably save us few ringgits only.

Meanwhile Khoon Leng are you trying to defend the rise by telling us to save? I know Gerakan had a hand to this rise because they want to punish Malaysians for wiping them out.

Anonymous said...

Khoon Leng is a typical apologist. Why giving us tips to save money when what we want is the govt to subsidise our petrol. We are larger producers than Brunei but yet pay more.
We need to vote out BN and those who apologise on their behalf including Gerakan. Pakatan will give us petrol at 1.30 ringgit as promised

H'ng Khoon Leng said...

I had been working all day long in a customer roof fixing her alarm wiring in Pulau Tikus, oblivious to the announcement on the fuel price increase.

I thought that when I reach home, I will write a series of posts on the global increase in petrol price as lately this issue seem to be in the headlines( I was also advised by an anonymous reader to write on this). I felt that my very first post should be a useful one to all my blog readers.

Hence, in my postscript, as I did not realize that a huge fuel increase had been announced, I wrote these tips will help a "tiny bit". Now, I think it will help much more than a few ringgits.

To David Ang, you must be a person filled with anger, ill-will and evil thoughts.

My sincere thoughts for some of my readers had been turned into an evil scheme or intention by you.

Thank you very much for your evil thoughts..... I am going out to fill my petrol tank.....

Anonymous said...

Who asked us to change the government? You see... now changed to DAP/PKR... More worse... they bring us all serious BAD LUCK... Everything increase.

Really very "SUAI" to vote for DAP/PKR! If they don't have the LUCK, please don't be the government lah!

Anonymous said...

Can we ask the new state government to subsidize the petrol?

Anonymous said...

I hope all DAP and PKR leaders, members and supporters don't talk TOO MUCH and just have to ask the so-called great LGE and his state government, to subsidise the petrol!

This is what we the Penanites want to see.

Anonymous said...

Yes badluck aka Khoon Leng, Yes.
Wish Pakatan had the money to say yes.
Penang govt is in debt thanks to KTK's mismanagement. We are the poorest state in West Semananjung, thanks to UMNO robbing the state under the watchful eyes of Gerakan which doesnt Gerak at all.

Even if Penang govt which is now picking up has enough money, the federal govt wont let - eg: selangor wants to give free water to its people also BN jealous, and they block it. So they wont let Penang govt subsidise.

ANyway, Penang govt has no judistriction over Petrol, comes under Finance Ministry. Yes Khoon Leng, who asked us to change state govt only. If change federal govt, Anwar promised 1.30 ringgit only per litre.

And badluck, you have very little brain cells. Instead of protesting against Badawi who raised the petrol money you marah LGE. Haha, you Gerakan people have proven times and times again of barking at the wrong tree.

ANyway you blame it on people changing state govt, but Johor, Perlis, NS, Melaka, pahang, swak and sabah is under BN and never change state govt also? Why they kena too? So think before you talk.
Tganu so rich with petrol also still the poor people there have to pay 2.70!

Enough of BN!

Anonymous said...

Badluck atau Nasibburuk ini memang tepat. Dia memang badluck untuk BN. Sampai kena terajang luncut pada 8 Mac. Sampai satu Gerakan pun tak menang, kena tendang keluar macam si David cakap.

Ini pulak nak LGE bagi duit. Aduhai, kenapalah kau sebodoh ini? Duit minyak kerajaan pusatlah, nak bagi subsidi kena jadi kerajaan pusat. Alhamduillah kita jadi Kerajaan pusat masa hadapan kita akan bawa duit minyak rendah rendah. Si Khoon Leng pun tentu setuju, duit minyak setinggi ini membebankan rakyat sederhana macam aku dan kau. Kenapa Gerakan tak protes? Kenapa asyik diam sahaja, membiarkan kita merana setiap kali poket kita kosong setelah isi minyak.

Cukuplah Gerakan. Protes untuk kami, awak di BN kononnya ada suara lebih? Kalau betul tunjukkan kepada kami.

Anonymous said...

david ang, i don't know much about politics and have no intention to be part of you in politics! so, please don't link me to gerakan.

yes i don't have enough brain cells, because my education level is low, but i have the voting right and can control all my family votes in jelutong, of course not many, about 20 votes only. do you need these 20 votes?

to me, very simple, i focus on penang only, if i voted you in then you got to work and please don't tell me the stories of other states!

if LGE cannot work and find ways to reduce the petrol price, then please say so.

remember, i'm BTC and my focus is on penang only. i don't care whether whether you are gerakan, umno, mca, rocket, pkr etc. if cannot work, i will tell my group of people to vote you all out!


abdullah cannot work, i can tell my group not to vote for bn. please don't worry!

my is at penang now! who's the chief of penang? great LGE, so he has to work for us! please talk less and go back to work! we want to see his result only.

penang people like me looks at penang only. i'm BTC ma... unless LGE can ensure all penangites have high qualification like you? or you're also BTC?

ya-loh, can LGE ensures all penang people to be highly educated?

Anonymous said...


you're wrong, because we're ANGRY with new state government! dap and pkr!

new state government is responsible for all affairs in penang. this is what i BTC know!

Anonymous said...


you're umno supporter? why chinese suddenly write in malay?

as i told you all, i'm a simple penang man! focus on penang only! who's the boss of penang? LGE, so he has to work and plan for us.

if it's federal government decision, ask our boss LGE to convince them lah! he has no balls to talk to umno ka? then ask anwar to talk to them lah! new state government is another "k-bo" government.

dap and pkr new state government, please wake up and work for us! we're the ones who hold the votes.

one more thing: please don't always change your id! please be "k-bo" because i cannot eat you!

Anonymous said...

i'm badluck, because i told my group of people voted for dap and pkr!

they cannot work but always ask me to refer the case to federal government?

hello, this is PENANG!

please don't ask us to vote you all in for federal government, learn how to take care of all dap and pkr voters in penang first!

One time is enough! if dap and pkr cannot do well in penang, how can they be the federal government?

learn how to walk 1st, run later!

Anonymous said...

dap and pkr: you're the new state government now, please talk less and work more.

show us how you help penang to enjoy low priced petrol in penang!

remember, you're the boss of penang now! you must take care of us!

Anonymous said...

dap and pkr: please don't always ask us to refer or go after the federal government! otherwise, why must we put you in charge of penang?

i'm really in bad luck of having you all be my bosses in penang!

Anonymous said...

Haiyah, this badluck has 20 votes in Jelutong and talk a lot. We won by more than 15000 votes and I know you voted for Gerakan, but now claim you support DAP so that you can get councillor post or something. Sorryla bro, all filled with qualified ppl. No place for lowly educated people like u.

Petrol comes under federal govt. State has no power to subsidise. Penang wants to give free water also BN block.

Until now LGE doing a good work, Badawi meanwhile increasing that, increasing this. Until Mahatir also angry with him.

This is typical Gerakan supporter. Petrol naik blame DAP? What kind of brain you have. Does any press blame DAP other than you. Everyone out there are laughing at how stupid are you for asking DAP to reduce petrol price. Tell you 20 stupid family members to vote DAP la and get us to federal. That time we give you petrol at RM 1.30.

Anonymous said...

Khoon Leng nice disgust as Badluck. Very embarassing for a blogger. A new low for Gerakan.

Anonymous said...




Snapshots said...

already doing all that is recommended, further recommend the following

even over inflating the tyres to get better mileage

anticipate driving, do not accelerate or keep pressing on the petrol padel when you think the vehical in front is slowing down

do not brek and accelerate, drive smoothly, maintain speed

when going down hill, step on clutch, do not free gear,to regain fuel use when goin up hill

pgstar said...

i agree with badluck. before election 308, dap n pkr commit every thing if they win here n there. now they win alr. but they do nothing. lagi win lagi teruk, minyak naik lagi they all pun diam. cakap pandai, kalau mereka jadi govt will go down the price, cakap siapa pun boleh la bang. Now they all are missing already. They promise us to fight for us this n that. Now really problem, every thing lagi teruk. As i said gerakan ambil balik penang...n Dap terus buat kerja yang dulu they do, i think it can be better for all of us. Now they just keep quite n may b honey moon. i not support any one in this case, i just cakap apa yang benar.

khaw veon szu said...

If only we could stop over-politicizing and over-simplifying every single issue that matters to the ordinary Rakyat, we won't be able to think rationally, speak factually and offer practical solutions to the problems confronted by the ordinary Rakyat in their daily life.

Keep up the good works, KL!

H'ng Khoon Leng said...


Thks for your suggestions, I will add into the post later.

But, I am little apprehensive on over-inflating the tyre for safety reason.

Anonymous said...

Penang lang keep complaining about gerakan here gerakan there. Wakeup. It's now the responsibility of the new government in penang to attend to your grievances.

I am from federal capital, political nuetral and suffer the same thing of prices increase as well. I can imagine tomorrow our chow kway teow will increase from 3.80 to 5.50 and our MP will still say that our food prices is the cheapest in this region.

For penang folks, since so much grievances, why not get the DAP government to build you bicycle tracks around penang island. In many places like hong kong and singapore, people are following the japanese style of cycling from home to work. Even japanese MD does that. This way it's greener.

At least your chow kway teow is cheaper. Penang is a lovely place and the people are very friendly.

--- Just a simple man, TMSAT

Anonymous said...

Bagus ide ini.

Anonymous said...

david ang,

you really cannot understand ang-mo (english) ka? i already mentioned to you, i'm a BTC, which means NIL education. but, so what? i'm a BTC but i have own shops and those educated people like you have to work for me and they are my downline. i treat them very well.

if LGE cannot take care of us the penang voters, please don't be the CM! please don't get buta-gaji in penang!

if it's because of federal government, please ask LGE and his team to talk to the federal government la! can he convince or talk to the umno leader? or he's another k-bo? no balls to convince to umno chiefs?

if LGE or dap has NO POWER in penang, please talk to ex-umno leader anwar and ask him to talk to his ex-colleagues la. sad to see dap and LGE have no power in penang, also have to refer to malay. it's really "suai" to vote for LGE and dap.

after KTK, we don't want any unless and k-bo CM in penang, always need to refer to the federal government? what? LGE also need to depend on umno leader?

haha.. do you think i want to be a councillor? how much can they earn per month? a few thousands or hundreds? sorry, i'm very comfortable with my RMxx,xxx per month. let those educated people like you to earn that money.

ok lah, i just got to know dap and pkr don't need my 20 votes now. of course la, after election already, they act or do differently. before election, they came to my house and talked very nicely, they even said they need a single ONE vote from me! so now they're lan-si already, because they have 15,000 votes! but, so what? they have NO POWER in penang! also have to go back to umno or pas or pkr? without pkr or pas, can they be the state government.

if they depend very much on the federal government, then what is the point of having a CM and his excos in penang? getting buta-gaji or because of all those functions, events, dinners etc. need someone for the opening ceremony? hello for these works, many friends of mine also can do la! we no need to spend so much money to keep those CM and excos in penang!

really a useless state government and k-bo CM! they're very lan-si now! they can say my 20 votes are too little for them!

it's really very "suai" to vote for dap and pkr!

do you think LGE does well in penang? what has he done so far? having claimed others' credits by saying they had attracted so many foreign investments to penang? they are not business minded la!

david ang, please don't always mention about gerakan la, they're finished and over! history liau? without gerakan you all cannot work ka?

now, we want to see how dap and pkr work for penang! be hero and talk to abdullah, show him your colours. please don't just go round for publicity, like having makan + minum at a small kopi shop or sitting on economy seat onboard. hello, we don't want to see all these personal promotions, we want dap and pkr to work for the growth of penang, not the growth of fuel price in penang la!

dap and pkr, please don't be lan-si! you're another group of umno in penang!

pgstar said...

our new govt want to built LRT in pg already. can it work?

H'ng Khoon Leng said...

Tan Wei Ren:

I will give you a chance in this post to use this name. Parting gift.

If I find this name again, I will DELETE.

You can cooked up another name, I don't care. I will delete "Tan Wei Ren" as you had lied many times under this name. In fact, there is no such voter or person by that name in Penang.

Go and check the Penang voter rolls in DAP office at Jalan Talipon, pick the name you like, or if you are lazy, use the telephone directory. It is more difficult for me to expose you.

David, I don't use "Badluck" pseudonym but I wish I have his energetic "ammo".

Anonymous said...

after KTK, we don't want any useless and k-bo CM in penang, why always need to refer to the federal government? what? LGE also need to depend on umno leader?

dap or pkr supporters, members and leaders, please ask your LGE to talk to the federal government to do something about the fuel price. ask him not to be K-BO!

LGE must be brave enough to fight with umno, don't sit down doing publicity works only! the salaries and allowances of LGE and his useless team are not cheap!

dap and pkr leaders, please don't get buta-gaji!

Anonymous said...

hello david ang, since you're so interested to know more about gerakan, please call up gerakan HQ and ask la! we don't really like to study history!

the world of gerakan is over, it's your dap or pkr world now! please do the best for us! remember, not to talk about gerakan! or without gerakan you all in dap or pkr cannot work? Lee Kah Choon is really very important to dap or pkr ka?

if you have no more qualified people in dap or pkr. please discuss with LION's club or JC, they can help you all too.

remember, dap and pkr are the government now! they must work for us the penang voters!

Anonymous said...

Badluck/Khoon Leng,

Yes, you are right. DAP and PKR work for the Penang people. But honestly, petrol price is nothing to do with state, its kerajaan pusat, kementerian kewangan to be exact. So dont la ask something that the state cannot do anything about, is like asking federal govt to give land for school - they cannot since federal govt has no power over land matters.

So my suggestion is since Gerakan is in federal power with UMNO as BN (though we all know how much power Gerakan really has) why dont Gerakan do something to stop this rise in petrol price. They can raise it in Cabinet Meeting, or stop it by 'veto'ing it. Howcome Gerakan which is in federal Govt supports the petrol hike, or at least not do something about it.

H'ng Khoon Leng said...

My post is "Tips To Reduce Vehicle Petrol Consumption". I prefer to comment based on my post. If you have questions and suggestions on this topics, it is most welcomed.

Also, I do not really need to comment as I see a blog reader , Badluck are more than capable to handle most of you in his own way.

Please note I do not share all of Badluck views, but I enjoyed all comments. I can't comment on his behalf.

Cheerio and happy commenting.

Anonymous said...

First of all thanks for the tips.
However, I am afraid we would be paying so much more anyway because the BN govt doesnt care about people. Average income earners like me will suffer, however I have only noticed some leaders opposing the hike - Guan Eng, Kit Siang, Mahatir, Mukhriz, Tan Kok Wai and other pakatan leaders. Only 1 BN leader - Mukhriz.

Why is Gerakan keeping quiet? Why is Gerakan being a senior member of the BN not opposing the petrol hike which burdens Penangites like me? Why not join forces with DAP only on this matter to force the govt to revise its raise?

I think David surely seems like a Pakatan supporter/member, however he raises some fair points. He is being decent and yet Gerakan has let its supporter disguise as Badluck (a lot of people thinks it is khoon leng himself since he takut to bang on own name, is it true?). Badluck, you need to behave yourself. Cannot use vulgar words, impolite comments. This is the very reason Penangite like me voted Gerakan out of Penang and if you and Gerakan continue to behave immorally and unethically, I am afraid we will vote you out for good until there is a political wipe out.
Why Badluck claims he is very rich and showing off here? Gerakan members have no sense of modesty. Be modest and low profile, people will like you and if not they will kick you out in the next election as well. I hoped gerakan will behave so that we will have Gerakan as opposition leader and not UMNO.

badluck said...

whether you're ConcernedPenangBoy, DudeFromBayan or david ang, my advice to you all is very simple! please don't be K-BO! please don't be an ACTOR! please don't a STAR here! really very K-BO like your leader LGE! sit down and does nothing for his voters? lagi getting buta-gaji! he should push all cases or issues to his father la, if he's so K-BO and scare of umno!

really "SUAI" to vote him in, why he always like to refer to federal government?

so how? never appreciate my 20 votes ka? as i always mentioned, please don't be so lan-si! 15,000 votes, so what? NO POWER... haha. LGE is another "good boy" of umno, see he will wear all malay baju soon + potong lagi! tell him, don't be scare of umno, show umno his colours of Malacca!

all dap, pkr and pas leaders, members and supporters: you all must thank and respect the voters in penang, otherwise do you think you all can be so lan-si now ka?

i wrote so long, but you replied a few lines and the most "SUAI" part is you always change your ids? really K-BO lo? really very sad to vote dap + pkr in!

please la, please don't talk about gerakan anymore! they have been kicked out by us the penang voters! so, what do you expect? expect them to teach dap, pkr and pas ka? without gerakan, you all cannot work ka? if dap + pkr cannot work, please don't link others in la. gerakan was FAIL, so we picked dap, pkr and pas, but you all are also very weak? very K-BO? also need to refer to federal umno leader? so, what is the difference?

dap, pkr and pas, always remember you all are the government now, please act like a government and don't act K-BO! don't listen to umno! please fight for penang voters! please don't spend so much time on computer, you must go out to work for us!

although LGE has NO POWER in penang, ask him to check on all longkang, lampu jalan, catch tikus lo, at least he doesn't get buta-gaji! not fair la, sit down there and keeping + pushing everything to federal government.

please tell me, what is the point of having the CM and excos in penang, since they have no power? we the penang voters don't need them to do publicity!

Anonymous said...

Haiyah badluck,

Never hear arr, LGE solve so many land problem redi. So many chinese school got land redi, so many houses which was on leasehold have now land to call home. KTK where got do this. Your family vote for Gerakan still lose right by 15000 votes!

Your family maybe like Gerakan because they do illegal business, its a know fact that DAP will get rid of illegal businessman. Is that why you and family badluck? hahahaha. Sueh

Thats why badluck, you do wiring business you better be honest. Dont cheat people.

Again you never answer me. Gerakan is in federal govt, howcome so scared until dont want to ask PM to tolong kasi petrol price rendah sikit? Why so takut UMNO? UMNO say ohh, Gerakan will bergerak towards exit. Haiyah, be daring a bit la. Gerakan partner in BN, but UMNO kasi lanyak sama itu KTK.

So the question from Penang people is if LGE can do so much for the Penang people, why Gerakan being in the federal power cannot even help to reduce the price of petrol?
Voice up like a true champion, dont hide la.

And Why khoon leng use his other personality answer question. Khoon Leng u answer la, dont be scared?

All I am asking is why Gerakan never stop PM from raising petrol price?

badluck said...

BayanBaruBoy, ConcernedPenangBoy or even david ang,

you alway like XXboy, ZZboy, put la, beachboy. sorry, should be K-BO beachboy.

don't change the ids so many times! don't act like an actor! if LGE cannot do the job, why must we put him there as the CM? NO BUTA-GAJI, please. penang voters are poor now!

before election, dap or pkr or pas promised so many things, thinking you all like supermen can do this and that. So, after election, start pushing all cases to the federal government? as i said many times, you never heard ka, if LGE cannot do anything with the fuel price, please step down.

again, you never heard! if LGE is so scare of umno, he can talk to the ex-umno leader anwar, who can easily talk to his ex-colleagues in umno. we all know, without pkr and pas, dap cannot survive!

again, you never understand ang-mo (english), if you would like gerakan to answer you any question or teach you anything, please call up their HQ for help! i don't owe you anything or any answer!

but, dap and pkr owe me! please deliver your promises, otherwise you will not be lan-si anymore because we would vote you all out like gerakan in penang.

please advise LGE not to be so K-BO to talk to umno leaders. i think LGE is their man now lo? why he cannot help penang voters on the fuel price?

you mentioned about land issue?! you mean there had been NO SCHOOLS in penang for the last 18 years? so, we needed LGE to give the land to build ka? hello, this is penang! we don't need malacca lang to build the schools for penang!

you mean there had been NO FREE HOLD houses in penang for the last 18 years ka?

talk la, FTZ/FCZ/FIZ, penang bridge, komtar, NCER, so many ang-kong temples etc. why LGE always talk about small things? he cannot handle BIG thing like FUEL issue?

sad to see we have another useless and NO POWER CM in penang.

Anonymous said...

WHy scared of history?
Because Gerakan betray us in history.
LEts talk abt present - how LGE has given hundreds of acres of land to chinese schools.
How LGE saves Penang govt money by being very economical.
How LGE brought in billions of ringgits of investment.
How LGE stop the destruction of indian temples.
How LGE abolish NEP.
How LGE brought in open tender.

Hey this is some of the many example.

Are you bumiputra? Is that why you so angry LGE tak bagi kontrak?

Or are you one of the chinese businessman who like to ampu UMNO and dont rely on your own to get contract?

Why you disagree with LGE abolish NEP?

Why Gerakan wants NEP back? So that a few top leaders can get corrupted?

Why Gerakan wants UMNO to protest and create chaos near Komtar? Lucky LGE very talented managing chaos, if not I dont know what will happen.

For the sakes of 1.5 million penang people, I dont care of your 20 votes. Go vote for UMNO and sell your soul.

This is example of people that is ready to do anything for money. Money not important la. DAP campaign all sendiri funded, low cost one. No big banners like Gerakan, funded by rich people like u. But rich people like you because no illegal deals will soon become bancrupt and no education someore. Haiyo, apa bikin badluck, pergi jual apa nanti?

badluck said...

hey BayanBaruBoy,

again, you don't really can understand ang-mo (english)? i never scare of any historical source, because that is none of my business. probably you being the politician needs to keep track? because you cannot do anything new and NO POWER, you need to copy the history?

- there had been NO SCHOOLS in penang for the last 18 years?
- how LGE saves the penang government money? he and his team never take the salaries?
- investment - haha! he took the credit of the former state government and claimed his? has he involved in millions of business deal? can he handle?
- destruction of indian? i never heard of?
- open tender? published in the papers? what is his defination of open tender?

hello, dap supporter, please don't jump the gun and go back to work on fuel price? we are waiting for your result, whether LGE is K-BO or not to talk to umno?

please don't sit down and start dreaming or finding for excuses! he has to work for all the penang voters! don't get buta-gaji!

don't do too much publicity works!

dap led government has to work!

must respect all the voters!

after election, don't be lan-si! you really forget how penang voters helped you all in taking over the power? without us, do you think you all can be lan-si!

dap, my advice to you is DON'T BE ARROGANT, like umno! you will regret one day!

because of your power in penang, you scare of umno? show your power la!

badluck said...

hey BayanBaruBoy,

why you like to jump the gun? i never mention anything about NEP? LGE is great ka? he doesn't need malay any more ka? his driver and office staffs are also malay la! come on, please respect those malay and chinese.

you mean because of LGE, chinese & indian business men don't need bumiputra to be partners for all lisences? list down all in the newspapers la! don't simply talk, you all can talk cannot do, siapa tahu? siapa pun boleh la!

please don't simply claim for credits! to me, LGE is the same! he also need to refer to the federal government la! this is another unless CM la! getting buta-gaji and do nothing! dap or LGE always claims this and that kind of saving for the penang government, what? he and his useless excos don't get any buta salaries ka? also same la! sitting in all the big cars! LGE is worse, he gets more salaries ie adun, mp, cm, chairman here and there!

ask LGE to contribute those BIG money to the government la or subsidise the fuel price la! you all dap or pkr talk so much, but never see you all action and deliver the promises?

give la, free parking for all penang lang, free all MPPP bills, free all la. what? for those, you also need to refer to the federal government ka?

now, we all can confirm LGE is another K-BO CM and always dependent on umno! the worse part is he has to depend on gerakan!

please la, tolong la, ask LGE not to take so much buta-gaji in penang la! he has no power? you say he can control land ka? but why we need so many highly paid CM and excos to take care of land? you can just ask ah beng, ah koon or maybe a k.singh to take care la.

what else do we need so many excos in penang? they also cannot do anything ma? also have to refer to the federal government?

remember, without the voters in penang, they have no power! so, please don't forget to deliver your promises!

Anonymous said...

The crook, Lim Guan Eng is selling the future of our children by wholesale conversion of leasehold land to freehold, to get easy money, he is as corrupt as many UMNO politicians. Must be bankrupt of ideas to find source of funds. Many will think that he is doing the right thing now, 20-30 years from now, Penang State Government will HAVE NO MORE LAND FOR OUR YOUNG PENANGITES, MOST LAND WILL BE OWN BY THE RICH.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Everybody knows LGE not corrupted.

CAT govt mah

how abt Gerakan, they claim they also cat

C - corruption

A - anjing umno

T - traitors to the chinese

So if you not happy with DAP, keluar Penang la. Dogs

badluck said...

hey BayanBaruBoy, a dog of dap, your great LGE said Penang belongs to the RAKYAT? now, you claimed it's yours?

who're you? it's not your turn la, small boy!

how come like this?

after election, dap wants to bully the RAKYAT now?

LGE is K-BO means K-BO, not dare to act as the chief of penang and fight with umno. ask him to go back to malacca la!

H'ng Khoon Leng said...

Tan Wei Ren who then became Bayan Baru Boy:

I have deleted one of your comment, you said something regarding place of worship that I think is not appropriate.

Why don't you used a name that reflect your own race instead of masquerading sometimes as a Chinese. We should be proud of our own ethnicity.

H'ng Khoon Leng said...

This ia a moderation warning:

Any comment that states, Badluck is also myself, will have his comment deleted.

If you want to polemic with Badluck go ahead. DON'T INVOLVE ME. I HAVE BETTER THINGS TO WRITE.

Anonymous said...

This is demoncratic mah!

It is our opinion that badluck and khoon leng same person, we may be wrong but we have strong suspicion. It was merely a question and that also you so sensitive? haiyah, chill out, Gerakan members need to know how to handle pressure.

Anonymous said...

Tips to reduce petrol consumption konon - typical apologist

When we normal citizens suffering, only one party is protesting which is DAP

All Gerakan leaders are busy fighting with Dr Tan.

Whats the use Gerakan being in federal govt when they cannot change a federal policy?

Like this better put DAP in federal as well.

Gerakan should be wiped out in whole of Malaysia like how we wipe them out in Penang

badluck said...

wah now Ricky Cheah? no more david ang? ok la, as you wish la!

being the government now, don't la shouting on the streets and roads!? be hero and talk to umno in a proper manner! if they don't listen, make penang independent, like singapore! dap is really BTC, why you all know how to shout on the streets and roads only? what? for free publicity? or to tell the public that you all are working and not getting buta-gaji?

no, it's the same!

do la, one proposal and submit to umno, how to reduce fuel price!?

being the state government, don't get buta-gaji! you all must work effectively! of course, not shouting on the streets/roads for free publicity!

remember, dap or LGE or his excos are not paid to do shouting or taking care of lands only! must do something effective! for example, come out with a good proposal and present it to the federal government! to show to them that dap is better in terms of strategies! not always shouting and shouting for free publicity!

if you cannot handle the state issues well, don't dream to become federal government! you all already getting so much buta-gaji already, what? not enough ka? you all want to get federal buta-gaji again?

don't be like that! you must learn how to walk before you can even run!

as at today, LGE and his excos are still seen useless and K-BO! really NO POWER! still cannot fight with umno in a proper manner!?

badluck said...

ricky cheah, you think you're very powerful now ka? you want to wipe up gerakan? who're you? is just a small boy!

dap is just nothing for the last 39years! anyone intended to wipe dap up during the 39 years?

dap has the power in penang now, but don't be in lan-silism! the world is round! you cannot see a sun 24 hours!

Anonymous said...

Thats why you need to be educated to read newspapers,

LGE has made proposals through writing, but Badawi say no money so must raise petrol. LGE give him proposal to use Petronas money also he said cannot because must use for bailing out bumiputra companies. At least he answer LGE.

If KTK ask, he and khairy will scold KTK teruk teruk until KTK will cry. Ask Lee Kah CHoon, how khairy use to call up KTK and swear at him until KTK apologise.

LGE brought in billions of investment, what has KTK done - made UMNO rich and some corrupted businessman like you steal money - badluck you really sial as your name says. Thats why Gerakan got wiped out.

DAP 39 years never got wiped out. Always got people win in Penang, maybe not enough to form govt because BN cheat in elections.

But this time the peoples power is so kau kau until cheat also no use. Kena tendang keluar u know. One gerakan also never survive. So disgraceful, and as newspapers reported, thousans of your members leaving for DAP.

Dr Tan also wants to leave said he fed up how Gerakan kow tow to UMNO. This is not me saying but your own party leader! Disgraceful

Badluck why are you so scared NEP got abolished? Why is gerakan so anti open tender?

I know why, because some corrupted illegal businessman cannot make money isnt it?

Anonymous said...

Badluck no contract is it?

Nevermind, you can come clean my toilet. You and your 20 family members will be employed by me?

Since you so sial and no money, no education, I let you clean my dirty toilet.

Open tender mah, so need to compete with some bangla.

Okay badluck aka sial, do come by my house okay, bring the rest of your lowly educated no NEP contract family members

badluck said...

hahaha. ok, david ang, where is your house? tell us bravely! come on! don't be K-BO like your useless father LGE!

badluck said...

one more thing: NEP is also none of my business! maybe LGE needs to re-design and make it suitable to his useless family including you, a small dog!

LGE, don't kow tow to umno!

dap, don't be lan-si like david ang!

dap penang - sorry, all are useless, that's why you all need to import some from malacca! you all really make penang lang "suai"!

Anonymous said...

Badluck, you know my house is. Your father use to come beg for my left over food, so that he can feed a dog in the form of you. You and your 2o animals must be wiped out from the face of the earth. You betrayers!

Haha, anjing sueh aka sial. Go ask your mum whether she got do it with a umno boy, because your their dog

badluck said...


A NO standard + useless dap leader and member! getting buta-gaji and shouting on streets + roads!

cannot answer, just keep quiet!

don't bring your whole family and beg la! i'm not interested in all your family members la!

badluck said...


A NO standard + useless + K-BO dap leader and member! getting buta-gaji and shouting on streets + roads!

cannot answer, just keep quiet!

don't bring your whole family and beg la! i'm not interested in all your family members la!

Anonymous said...

We should start to look at the bigger picture. To be honest, I doubt Pakatan will be able to sell the petrol at RM 1.30 as promised as this will bankrupt the government of the day (if they come into power).

We should all joint effort to fight this economy syndrome which is related to supply & demand. There is so many theories why the fuel per barrell went up but cannot point to the direct cause. I am sure the operational cost does not increased that drastically but someone is profiteering from all this. Is this one of the source of funding for the various illegal activities ?

We need everyone to come together in the NET/Blogs to build the complete picture. Perhaps, Khoon Leng you can start the ball rolling.

pgstar said...

It seen like LGE gang like to talk about family. ehhh LGE gang, you bring your family into your parti that your LGE gang problem la, Dun bring to pg la n no need share here la. Penang state not your family business la. it belong to all penang lang...ambil gaji buta lagi nak cakap banyak banyak. pi la buat(kalau boleh buat tapi tak mungkin itu orang boleh la). Sebelum 308 cakap besar besar sana cakap sina cakap tapi bila buat sana hilang sini hilang..semua pun hilang...Penang lang semua kena tipu la..sekarang lagi nak guna blog cakap besar besar lagi....lagi nak tipu.

Anonymous said...

Apa ini, 3 pemimpin kanan parti keluar parti!
Tak caya sama Gerakan lagi la ooi!
Gerakan dah meninggal, sifar kat pulau pinang.
Tak pernah DAP cam ini, kena kangtoi sia-sia. Sentiasa ada lebih ahli parlimen daripada Gerakan dulu, sekarang tak yah compare compare gan projek sifar. Malu siut