Sunday, September 7, 2008

16th September 2008, Hari Malaysia - Anas Zubedy

Let us agree that …

There are thirteen states, and only one Malaysia
There are many parties, but we are one nation
While we may differ, we are not enemies
We can be critical, but not offensive
We shall seek and embrace truth, and reject deceit
We shall not take sides based on partisan views

Because wrong is wrong and right is right, no matter who does it

Let us all oppose corruption, racism and bigotry
Unite for one future, free from sleaze, discrimination and poverty;
Multiplicity is God’s creation; let us replace race with Unity
Let us see Unity in diversity, and learn to love all, because
When we dislike the other, we dislike part of God’s design,
We are One
We may greet each other in different ways, what we are all trying to say is:
I am pleased to meet you, my brother, my sister Malaysians

For there are

Many lamps, One Light
Many hearts, One Spirit
Many prayers, One God
Many Colors, One Race.

Have a meaningful Hari Malaysia


Marilah kita setuju bahawa …

Kita ada 13 negeri, tetapi satu Malaysia
Berbagai parti, satu negara
Walaupun kita berbeza, kita bukan musuh
Kita boleh mengkritik, bukan mencemar
Mari mencari kebenaran, dan menolak penipuan
Jangan sekali-kali berat sebelah pada mana-mana pihak

Kerana yang salah tetap salah dan yang benar tetap benar, tanpa mengira siapa

Mari kita menentang rasuah, perkauman dan prejudis
Bersatu demi masa depan, bebas dari penipuan, diskriminasi dan kemiskinan
Kepelbagaian itu ciptaan Tuhan; ayuh gantikan dengan Perpaduan
Perpaduan yang dalam kepelbagaian, cintakan semua kerana
Apabila kita bencikan yang lain, kita menghina ciptaan Tuhan

Cara kita berucap agak berbeza, namun apa yang ingin diluahkan adalah;
Saya gembira bertemu denganmu, saudaraku seMalaysia


Berbagai pelita, hanya Satu Cahaya
Berbagai jiwa, Satu Azam
Berbagai doa, Satu Tuhan
Berbagai Warna, Satu Bangsa

Salam Hari Malaysia

Salam Sejahtera,
Anas Zubedy


Anonymous said...

whats the use HKL pandai pandai go and put up this pantun when he cant even dare to whack Ahmad?

Shameful KTK also got blasted by Penang UMNO, when is KTK going to get some guts. No wonder GErakan is in such a sorry state

Anonymous said...

pak pandai u r pak bodoh, HKL the first person that reported Ahmad to the police!

u don't read newspaper

Anonymous said...

anonymous, you broadcast your utmost ignorance and pathetic state of current knowledge.

HKL is not the first person, he is not even the second. I am not sure whether he lodged a report or not, but Im bloody sure HKL doesnt dare to attack Ahmad as we all know even KTK is currently getting kicked by an ordinary division leader.

Such is the poor and pathetic state of a party president KTK, so called Penang BN leader but own members tear his photo and spit at it. Embarassing.

If you people still stick in BN and become UMNO's running dogs, I have no respect but pure contempt.

Please have some self respect and fight UMNO!

Anonymous said...

Yes, report to the police. When they do nothing, what is your next course of action? Do nothing and wait for kingdom come?

Tanjung Gerakan, learn how to oppose if you do not know how to manage. And if you do not know how to oppose even if you try, got tutup kedai.

Do not be a NATO. Bark here and there and always at the wrong tree.

boLanliap said...

all gerakan members "boh hoot" la...

H'ng Khoon Leng said...

Pakatan Rakyat supporters can even appreciated a beautiful peom for Malaysia Day, instead choose to bad, poor and dishonourable comments.

I will delete any future negative comments on this post.

Pls comment respectful for this Malaysia day posting.