The result of the KT by-election highlight a few important points:
- The erosion of UMNO relevant to the Malay have clearly started and it will continue to be eroded . Nothing UMNO do, can stop this - it is part of modernization, globilization and the rise of Muslim awareness across the world. More and more Malays are inclined towards taking a Muslim or Muti-racial stand in their thinking, not solely Malay viewpoint.
- There is a clear rise in Muslim renaissance and Malay populace. This is a plus point for PAS. PAS will grow stronger each day. Religion is the ultimate tool, PAS knows how to use it well. PAS have also learn how to show a difference “face” to the non-Muslim communites. It had became a win-win situation for PAS.
- The temporary increase in Chinese community votes for Barisan Nasional is mainly due to the lack of visionary leadership and internal squabbles in Pakatan Rakyat. It shows that Pakatan Rakyat is a mere loose coalition of parties trying to grab for power. Barisan Nasional may have done a few meagre reforms but its Pakatan Rakyat own ineptness that cause them the votes. If Pakatan Rakyat can get there act together, it will means serious consequences for BN.
- Whether the erosion of Non-Malay communities votes to Pakatan Rakyat will continue depend how much key political parties in BN such as UMNO, MCA, Gerakan and MIC can reformed themselves. Internal reforms had been extremely slow pace. Will this KT failure expediate reforms? Will BN leaders have the political will to reform? Are they willing to do the necessary sacrifices?
- How can BN counter lies such as phantom voters, vote-buyings and many other tales use by Pakatan Rakyat to garner for votes. For example, RPK wrote in a letter to the Kuala Terengganu voter the following, "
Remember, when they handed you the RM300, RM500 or RM1,000, they asked you for copies of your identity cards on the excuse they need this ‘for the record’? Well, it is not really ‘for the record’. They want to use these copies of your identity cards to create ‘phantom voters’. And don’t be surprised if on Polling Day many of the 6,000 police personnel turn up in ‘plain clothes’ to vote in your place.
What a blatant lie and dirty propaganda, yet RPK will most probably get away with it. Lies such as this must be counter, the best in the court. This lies is very effective, I remember a few incidents in the Permatang Pauh by-election, while helping out in the voter information checking exercise, some voters would came to me asking for money, they were told that we gave money. We don't, but this is what Pakatan Rakyat want voters to believe - and they are good at that.
Kuala Terengganu by-election: Pas wins, but BN won't give up
By : The NST Team
KUALA TERENGGANU: Pas won the Kuala Terengganu parliamentary by-election with a 2,631-vote majority against Barisan Nasional and an independent candidate.
Pas candidate Mohd Abdul Wa-hid Endut garnered 32,883 votes while BN's Datuk Wan Ahmad Farid Wan Salleh obtained 30,252 votes. Independent candidate Azharuddin Mamat alias Adam received 193 votes and lost his deposit.
There are 80,229 voters in the parliamentary constituency, including 1,043 postal voters.
A total of 63,967 or 79.73 per cent of the 80,229 registered voters cast their ballots at 36 polling stations. This was lower than the 81.92 per cent or 65,809 out of 80,325 voters who had cast their votes at the March general election.
Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said BN accepted the decision of the voters.
He said the results showed that democracy was alive in Malaysia.
"We respect and accept this decision."
"BN will continue to work harder to earn the trust of the people and serve the people," he said at Menteri Besar Datuk Ahmad Sa-id's residence last night.
Even a Celebration can be used by Pakatan Rakyat supporters to used dirty politics - win at all cost.
Eleventh hour 'card' trick
NST online
KUALA TERENGGANU: The Chinese community recently received two different Chinese New Year cards, both purportedly from BN candidate Datuk Wan Ahmad Farid Wan Salleh.
The difference between the two, BN election workers claimed, was that one of the cards was designed to be distasteful and insensitive to the community's feelings and could have been sent by those out to sabotage him.
Wan Farid's card had a lion dancer on its red front and his photo on the gold interior with the message, "Wishing You a Very Happy and Prosperous Chinese New Year".
The bogus card is in black and white with some red Chinese lettering and his signature in black ink on the sparse, white interior.
For the Chinese, white symbolises death, and is never used during Chinese New Year.
When contacted, Wan Farid denied the white cards were from him, saying it was a tactic to smear his name among the Chinese people.
"My card is red and I sent it out early. The white card is an unscrupulous tactic."
The more than 8,000 Chinese voters in Kuala Terengganu made up a crucial voting block in the by-election and their support had been sought by both the BN and Pakatan Rakyat.
A Chinese restaurateur in Jalan Ladang who received the white card said she threw it out the moment she saw it.
"I did not believe that it could have come from him since it was very insensitive. I do not know whose work this is. It is disrespectful," said the 59-year-old.
The post mark on the envelope of the offensive card suggested that it was mailed on Jan 15, and the restaurateur said she received it yesterday.
I'm guessing that the RM300 the journalists received from the state info dept's media centre must also be from the opposition too, since Farid and the Info Ministry testified that it is not their's nor BN's money.
Since like you, Farid and the Info Ministry being from BN, are the most honest people in the world and would never lie to Malaysians, where do you, as a true and honest Buddhist, think the money that was distributed by the BN's state info dept came from? I would really love to hear your theory where you think the money is from other than BN or it's benefactors.
It is easy to claim this and that.
Any person with accesss to the Kuala Terengganu parliamentary by-election media centre can easily sabotage any candidate.
Please do not think that those that have access are all BN supporters, at least half are Pakatan Rakyat supporters/sympathisers.
This sabotage can be done by PR supporters, of course, as you argue it could be done by BN supporters.
Isn't it stupid to give "bribe" to PR-biased journalists from Malaysiakini! Fishy!
Do not persecute, without evidence.
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