The below sms is what I think of Lim Guan Eng administration of Penang.
Guan Eng pushed the explanation for Fairus resignation to PKR. Fairus as Deputy Chief Minister I reports to Guan Eng not PKR or Anwar.
Guan Eng must explained to Penangites why Fairus is resigning not PKR? Is he resigning because of poor performance, alleged graft, further studies, political conflicts, ....?
How can Anwar approved Fairus leave? Is Anwar the Chief Minister?
Fairus had failed miserable as a executive councillor and more importantly as Deputy Chief Minister I – the second man in Penang government. Guan Eng should had asked him to pack his bag months ago instead Guan Eng do not know Fairus was resigning until Fairus faxed him the resignation letter!
On another matter, Lim Guan Eng must be accountable for Fairus incompetancy.
All the executive councillors are half asleep except for Phee Boon Poh. Without Phee holding the fort, there are nothing to shout about for Lim Guan Eng.
As the CEO of Penang he had been wasting time on cheap publicities and not managing his team of excos. Fairus, Ramasamy, Kon Yeow, Danny Law and most of the others are under-performing. Is it the exco team or the team leader that is the problem?
How long a probationary period does this replacement CEO need 2 years, 3 year or 10 years?
Most get a probationary period of 3 to 6 months. Penangites are doing Guan Eng a disfavour by allowing a longer probationary period. Many are still saying that this is a new government. If Guan Eng is not capable to lead a government, he should reliquished his position and let another capable PR leader to take over!
Many Penangites think that Gerakan have no “BOLA” when dealing with UMNO. But is DAP under Lim Guan Eng any different with PKR and PAS? Signs are showing that eventually it will be more worst.Guan Eng tiada “BOLA”. Gagal tangani pelbagai masalah Fairus bawah tadbirannya.Kini tolak semua kpd PKR. Hampir semua Exco tidur. Guan Eng tak tau malu.
Guan Eng pushed the explanation for Fairus resignation to PKR. Fairus as Deputy Chief Minister I reports to Guan Eng not PKR or Anwar.
Guan Eng must explained to Penangites why Fairus is resigning not PKR? Is he resigning because of poor performance, alleged graft, further studies, political conflicts, ....?
How can Anwar approved Fairus leave? Is Anwar the Chief Minister?
Fairus had failed miserable as a executive councillor and more importantly as Deputy Chief Minister I – the second man in Penang government. Guan Eng should had asked him to pack his bag months ago instead Guan Eng do not know Fairus was resigning until Fairus faxed him the resignation letter!
On another matter, Lim Guan Eng must be accountable for Fairus incompetancy.
All the executive councillors are half asleep except for Phee Boon Poh. Without Phee holding the fort, there are nothing to shout about for Lim Guan Eng.
As the CEO of Penang he had been wasting time on cheap publicities and not managing his team of excos. Fairus, Ramasamy, Kon Yeow, Danny Law and most of the others are under-performing. Is it the exco team or the team leader that is the problem?
How long a probationary period does this replacement CEO need 2 years, 3 year or 10 years?
Most get a probationary period of 3 to 6 months. Penangites are doing Guan Eng a disfavour by allowing a longer probationary period. Many are still saying that this is a new government. If Guan Eng is not capable to lead a government, he should reliquished his position and let another capable PR leader to take over!