Friday, April 4, 2008

Are You My Voter?

The MaCallum center provide service and advise to all people. It never differentiate people by race, gender, age, nationality, place of birth, political affiliation, etc. We even provide service to people as far as Sarawak.

Recently, a young man in his early twenties, that we have help before, came to the MaCallum Center for assistance. He was eagerly looking for an office job. I told him that Gerakan was totally wiped out in the election, and at this point in time, there is not much that I can do to help him except to give some advise.

Furthermore, I am merely a security system installer, while one of my assistant is a house painter. My other assistant is involved in his family business repairing sewing machine. We are all working class volunteers.

He then went to see the DAP assemblyman nearest his home. Among the first information, the DAP YB wanted to know was in which constituency the young man voted. He told the YB the truth, that he voted in another constituency, which was also won by DAP.

That YB told him that he can't help him because he is not voting in his constituency. The young man was ask to see the other DAP YB.

He went to DAP HQ to look up for the other YB. That YB agreed to meet him and set up an appointment. Unfortunately, that YB did not turn for his appointment. Later, that young man called up the YB, another appointment was scheduled ........

I don't know what happened to the young man after the second appointment. I have not seem him around the MaCallum area. I hope they didn't send him on a merry-go-round. I wish him well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The DAP guys just wanna give excuses.