Saturday, April 19, 2008

Freedom of Speech (Comment) in Blogosphere

Below is my email reply to a Gerakan member and his friends. They were concerned with the constant labeling of Gerakan as irrelevant and hence should be dissolved - in most Pakatan Rakyat's controlled blogs.

Dear all:

The comments on some blogs are to a certain degree true and correct. Yet, it do not present an unbiased opinion. It is just a small group of people(yet powerful) that subtlely manipulated the minds of readers. It has been used as a successful propaganda tool by Pakatan Rakyat.

Why is this so? For example,
I have tried earlier to comment in Lim Kit Siang's blog, the blog allow me to register but never send me an activation e-mail. Others have tried, and encounter the same problem. The comments are mainly DAP members or Lim's cronies with extremely few exception. Try to register, and see what happened.

Some blogs will simply delete your comment if your opinion differ or will not publish your comment.

There are censorship in blogs, we should not be naive about that. Therefore, if you view any blogs, read it with a pinch of salt.

My blog is unmoderated, anyone can comment whatever they want as long as it is not vulgar or seditious. This is the culture that hopefully Gerakan new bloggers must uphold. That is real democracy at least for the Gerakan blogosphere. However, I will eventually close commenting for old posting.

Happy blog reading

See also My 2 cents


khaw veon szu said...

Contrary to common belief, blogsphere does not exist in vacuum. It is either subject to legal limitations or the prejudices of the blog's creator. So you can write or post whatever comments you like but whether they could see the light or not is another issue altogether. And that is the true meaning of Freedom of Speech. If you don't like my view or blog than start your own blog and compete against each other to see whose view is more valid and convincing.

So, it is good to know the real blogspher and continue with our struggle in blogspher.

However, though it is indeed heartening to note that more and more Young Gerakanists are joining the blogshere but sometimes more simply doesn't always mean the merrier(stronger), especially in political field, and for that I mean blogging.

May be just like Gerakan, we should seriously consider to "lose fat but gain weight", remain a relatively small but influencial Smart Party.

A parting word: Keep up the good works cos you have great potential to become one of the most serious and credible blogger ever produced by Gerakan.

asian-fellow said...

A message posted to on 21 April 2008...

Sdra Veon Szu,

Please allow me to comment that, you shouldn't mention that you're a part-time lawyer, otherwise your clientele would just run away from you... hahaha... just kidding!

It's always very gratifying to note some of the blue/white collar persons are committed and dedicated, rendering or carrying out their services and/or responsibilities in politics, seeming sensible and judicious in the circumstances, including the process of creating a blog.

Our sdra Tong Keong and sdra Khoon Leng of Tanjung Youth, practise the same mode for the general developments, and have had joined the On-Line community ie. blogging, which is seen powerful and efficacious in transporting our message(s) to our friends around the world...

Their blogs:-

Wikipedia, an on-line encyclopedia cited that researchers have analyzed the dynamics of how blogs become popular. There are essentially two measures of this ie. popularity through citations, as well as popularity through affiliation (ie. blogroll). The basic conclusion from studies of the structure of blogs is that while it takes time for a blog to become popular through blogrolls, permalinks can boost popularity more quickly, and are perhaps more indicative of popularity and authority than blogrolls, since they denote that people are actually reading the blog's content and deem it valuable or noteworthy in specific cases.

Sdra, please do enjoy the process of blogging.

Commitment through Virtual-Reality!