Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Good Sign-Board?

The DAP have started opening their service centers. It is good for the people. Now, there are more political linked centers (DAP, Gerakan, MCA, ...) for them to seek help and advise.

The most eye-catching DAP service center sign-board is in Datok Keramat. It augurs well for the people if they know where is the center for their elected rep.

But, the sign-board is placed in a position that blocked pedestrian. It is too low and too near the main road. It definitely endanger pedestrian and motorcyclist.

As elected representative of the people, YBs need to be more cautious in their words and actions. There are at least a few ways to achieve the same result without blocking the walkway or endangering the people.

P.S. Originally, I don't want to blog on this. But, while having coffee yesterday with my father, a RA chairman in Datok Keramat, I told him about the sign-board. He advises that I have to do something about it. Two years ago he knocked into a sign-board on Armenian Street and have to be treated for a deep cut. The sign-board was taken down after that incident.

Note: I have called the center regarding the dangerous sign-board and spoke to Michael. He thanks me for the feed-back, lets see whether there will be any action taken.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They should adjust the height of the signboard. Although Asians are generally short, they should be considerate and think of those tall Asians as well..